Chapter 2

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The Bat boys were sitting down at the kitchen island, eating the pancakes that Dick had whipped up a few minutes before hand. The three proper age boys watched in amazement as Jason ate pancake after pancake, syrup dripping down his chin. He wiped it away with the back of his hand, looking up at his siblings with a smile. "May I have some water, please?"

"Of course." Tim came back with a glass a moment later, settling back in across from the tiny child.

"Thank you." After Jason had chugged about half the ice water, he leaned back in the stool and swung his feet. "Can we see the library today? I wanna see if it is as cool as the city library, but seeing the house I think it is. Ooh, will I get to read any of the books? Please?"

Damian smirked, collecting the dirty plates and putting them in the sink next to the pans. "We can head to the library now, if you would like Jason." The five year old squealed and jumped on Damian's back, not noticing the way he slightly tensed.

"On we go, Dami!" The two current youngest boys trotted off towards the library, leaving Dick and Tim to trail behind.

"While we are up here, maybe we can search for more information on Klarion's spells and magic. There is bound to be some information." Tim whispered to Dick, "I really don't want to call Bruce about this. Or worse, summon the witch himself."

Dick gulped, shaking his head to get rid of the thoughts. He reassured Tim it wouldn't come to that before they opened the doors the Wayne Manor library and all its vast glory, smiling at little Jason's look of awe. Dick went to towards the section of old case files and information on villians, while Tim went to the section that contained everything to do with magic, spells, and interdimensional beings.

Meanwhile, Damian had his hands full with Jason, who was bouncing around from section to section, grabbing books off the shelf at a whim. Damian wondered if he would even be able to read most of the books, but still followed behind with a soft smile. They settled down on a couch by the fire place, Damian lighting a fire while Jason started a book from his stack.

Damian was very good at reading body language and movements, so he was a little shocked to see Jason was reading a fourth grade level book at the age of five. He did pause a few times and ask his older brother what one of the words meant, but those pauses were far and few between.

However, Damian did end up reading a book of fairytales to Jason and before he knew it, the little tyke was curled up to his side with his head on Damian's chest fast asleep.

Well, it was only six am. Damian thought, leaning his head back to rest his eyes.

And that is how Tim and Dick found their little brothers half an hour later, Jason curled up to Damian thumb in mouth snoring softly with Damian's arms around him and the rest of his body curled protectively around his brother.

Tim cooed before snapping a photo, shrugging when Dick shot him a look. "Blackmail purposes." Dick rolled his eyes and gestured for Tim to follow him to the couch across, sitting down and opening up the only two useful things he had found. Tim sank into the cushion next to him, placing a single book with a bookmarked page down. "Any luck?"

"Eh, sort of. What I found was only slightly relevant." Dick pointed to the file on the table. "Klarion has done this before and the good news is it was not permanent. Bad news, it took combined efforts of both Klarion and Doctor Fate to reverse the chaos magic."

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