Chapter 3

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It was a peaceful morning at the manor and Tim was enjoying his second cup of coffee when he heard the little pitter patter of Jason's feet on the hard wood floor. He looked up from the tablet in time to see his little brother walk into the family room, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Good morning sleepy head." Tim chuckled, helping Jason onto the couch next to him. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept okay." Jason yawned, resting his head as he leaned against Tim. "Did you sleep okay, Timmy?"

"Why, yes I did, thank you for asking Jay." He smiled, ruffling the boys hair. "Do you want some breakfast?"

Jason shook his head, mumbling something about waiting for double D before snuggling closer to Tim. He was trying to read what was on the tablet. "Can we watch some TV?"

Tim flipped onto the TV app, scrolling til he found some cartoons for Jason. The two brothers sat cuddled on the couch for another two hours, not noticing as Dick and Damian came down stairs and helped Alfred make breakfast.

Jason's eyes widened as he watched the colorful superhero on screen, giggling as he thought of something. "Timmy, the one in red is like you."

"Oh?" Tim looked at Jay with a smile, prompting more information.

"Mmm, he is kind and smart. The one in blue is like Dickie because he worries a lot and takes charge." Tim snorted. "The green one is Dami because he laughs and plays and is fast."

Tim pointed at the screen. "Which one are you, Jay?"

"I'm the black one because I am the baby but also a cool ninja!" Tim chuckled, kissing his hair. "Don't laugh at the ninja!"

"I wouldn't dream of it." Tim laughed, looking up when their brothers walked in. "Look who decided to roll out of bed."

"Dude, we have been up for awhile helping Alfred with breakfast. Come on, its ready." Dick waved them to the dining room, the brothers following along and taking their seats. "Jay, what do you want to eat?"

"Waffles and eggs please?" Jason's mouth watered at the display on the table. "Orange juice! Yay!"

They ate in a comfortable silence, only asking for more food or drink. Once breakfast was over, Dick turned to his siblings. "My shift today ends at three so I'll be home by four, depending on traffic."

"Where do you work?" Jason scrunched up his face.

"I'm a cop, little man." Dick smiled, turning to the other two. "Keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't get hurt."

"Dick, I have school. Monday, remember?" Damian pointed at the calendar. "And Tim has to be in the office since father is...on a trip?"

Dick cursed under his breath. "Tim can you bring him to the office?"

"That would raise so many questions plus the press. And I have meetings all day." Tim groaned in frustration. "I hate my job."

"Can Superman babysit me?" Jason piped up, a hopeful look on his adorable little face.

"He is very busy today, little man." Dick frowned, scooping Jason up in his arms. "Although, maybe the team wouldn't mind? Just until we got home?"

Damian narrowed his eyes. "If anything happens to him..."

"Relax, he will be okay." Dick pulled out his phone, dialing Kaldur.

"Hello Dick, what's up?"

"I need a favor from you guys..."

Once the brothers had finished explaining everything they needed to know, Damian threatened their lives sufficiently, and they said good bye to their youngest, it was just the team staring at the five year old Jason.

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