Chapter 24

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This chapter is dedicated to all those that sends me interesting comments y'all motivate me alot😘😘


"Look what i got" Mus'ain said showing me something like a mini movie poster,

"Whats this" i asked covering the pot I just finished stirring

"Movie ticket"

"Remember you told me you liked dora the explorer when you were a kid?" Then I remembered that i did told him that when we played the 10 questions


"Its the movie that just came out and I figured out you might like it" he explained in his British accent that i like

I looked at the movie ticket and decided to lie and not follow him because he's making me forget my reason of being here and everything is temporary and we just have 2 more days to spend here before we go back,

"I don't feel so good musmus" i told him frowning slightly so that he will believe me

"Awww whats wrong? Did you take any medication?" He asked placing his hand on my forehead to feel my temperature

"It's just body weakness I'll be okay when i rest" I explained

"Okay boo I'll reschedule okay?"

"Okay" i said feeling somehow guilty because he was just being nice

"We can go tomorrow" I managed to say and he smiled widely and said "nagode" in his fancy hausa accent,

"My birthday was coming up the day we were leaving but only Mus'ain knows about it"

"How i wish Sultan's seminar will be extended so that i can give you the best birthday ever" I remembered what Mus'ain said the day he asked when my birthday was,

I finished dinner and served them first before sitting in my forced assigned chair on the dining with my head down eating the small portion of macaroni i served myself,

I waited for them to finished then i packed the dishes to the kitchen and set to go up to sleep

"Good night JD I gotta go" Mus'ain said to me immediately i came out of the kitchen

"Good night" I replied and he entered the elevator and left

"Good night your highness" i said to Sultan who was still sitting on the dining table

"Night Jadwa" he replied which made me smile like an idiot as i went upstairs to sleep,

I took my bath and changed into one of the pink pajama Mus'ain got me, i wore 3 already and i kept the remaining 2 for Amla, i miss her so much and none of us owns a phone to communicate with each other,

I just started sleeping when I heard a knock on the door so I hurried and wore my hijab then i went to open it,

"Sorry I woke you up" Sultan said holding two glasses of ice cream

"I wasn't sleeping your highness" I answered looking down

"Here" he said handing me the glass of ice cream,

I reached out to collect it and my fingers brushed his own lightly making my heart beat faster,

"Thank you" i whispered and he smiled weakly, i was waiting for him to leave so that i can go back and lay down but he stood there

"Do you know that its wrong to take ice cream alone?" He asked which made me look at him with a surprised gaze

Then he raised his eyebrows waiting for him to explain then immediately my brain started functioning then I realized what he meant,

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now