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Jordan Parrish wakes up and finds himself tied to the steering wheel of a sheriff's cruiser with plastic handcuffs. Deputy Haigh is splashing gasoline all over the car. He explains to Parrish that he is worth $5 million to The Benefactor dead, and Haigh means to collect.

Parrish is quick to point out that he only makes $40 thousand a year but this seems to anger Haigh who says he only makes 36 (thousand per year). He dumps gasoline not just on the car but through the open window onto Parrish's head.

Parrish begs for his life saying he can't believe that Haigh would just stand there and listen to a fellow deputy burn to death. Haigh puts in earbuds before lighting his zippo lighter and tossing it into the open window of the car.

Parrish screams as the entire vehicle is consumed by fire. 


Lydia and Stiles have brought Sheriff Stilinski the latest information to at his office. They explain that Lydia's grandmother, Lorraine, may have faked her death and could be working with The Benefactor or might be The Benefactor.

Outside the sheriff's office, Haigh reports to the Benefactor via computer and requests his money wire transfer for Parrish's death.

Parrish is not dead. Covered in soot and dressed in the barest remains of his burned clothing, Parrish walks into the Sheriff's Station. He makes straight for Haigh who draws his service weapon. Parrish grabs him and slams him against the wall. He then throws him to the ground and punches him. The gun goes off, striking Sheriff Stilinski in the shoulder.

Haigh keeps saying "but you're dead" and Parrish keeps punching him.

On the computer screen the message "KILL NOT CONFIRMED" appears. 


Lydia brings Parrish to the loft for a debriefing with Scott and Derek. After examining the deputy's hands, Derek says he has no idea what his supernatural deal might be. Scott brings up the fact that Derek knew about Jackson and Kira (that one was a Kanima and the other was Kitsune) but this is apparently out of his realm of experience. He suggests there might be something in the Bestiary but Scott says doesn't know where to find Argent.

Parrish is confused. He wants to know if they're all like Lydia – psychic. This elicits amusement from Derek. By way of explanation, Scott shows Parrish his Alpha eyes. 


Stiles is watching as the sheriff is filling out forms in the hospital. The doctor mistakenly calls his patient "Mister" and Stiles corrects him with "Sheriff."

The doctor explains that they're going to perform surgery "first thing in the morning" and that it will take some digging to get the bullet out. The sheriff wants an explanation of some of the information on the forms. It is a list of materials and supplies to be used during the procedure. Each item comes with the caveat "Balance Patient Responsibility" out to the side.

The Doctor explains that those charges not covered by the insurance will be Sheriff's Stilinski's responsibility to pay. The Sheriff seems concerned about the expense involved but the doctor says that is between him and his insurer. The doctor leaves after explaining that he gave him Morphine and he'll soon start to feel it.

Stiles chews on his thumbnail nervously and his father tells him to stop it. He claims he was just curious about the terminology on the forms and that "we're not in any kind of dire straits." Stiles knows he is lying because he has seen the bills. He says he knows about the debt collectors calling about Eichen House and about the advance (loan) on his salary the Sheriff got from the department and the credit cards he's been using to help pay off some Stiles' medical expenses.

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