Smoke and Mirrors

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Kira wakes up in the same bone-filled cell where we last saw her. Now though, the cell door is open. As she makes her way down the dirty stone corridor she notes a Berserker standing guard at the other end. Turning to retreat, another Berserker attacks her. She notices the double bands of black tattoo on his arm and knows that the Berserker is Scott. She tries to talk to him but he continues to beat her mercilessly until Kate calls him off.

Kate explains that after escaping the Calaveras she didn't know where to go but kept feeling a pull from Tezcatlipoca. She explains that his name means "smoking mirror" and the temple under La Iglesia was known as "the temple of the smoking mirror."

(The Aztec deity known as Tezcatlipoca was often depicted with body parts made of obsidian. He was always connected to this particular volcanic rock from which mirrors were made. Many times the god was shown with a chest plate of obsidian from which smoke would issue.) 

Kate points out that the temple is partially made of obsidian. Kate says the Berserkers were waiting for her when she arrived at the temple and helped her survive. She says she didn't know why they were helping her until recently when someone with whom she was working explained it to her. She learned from this unnamed ally that she could control the berserkers and make new berserkers. Kate says they call her La Loba, The Bone Woman. She says they let Kira out to test Scott's loyalty as a Berserker. She complains that Scott's never had to kill anyone despite all he's been through. She thinks it's time to change that. 

(I don't know if I should mention it but La Loba means The Wolf. The right translation in Spanish is more something like La Mujer de Hueso)

Scott takes out a dagger of bone and stabs Kira. 


Sheriff Stilinski forbids Stiles to go after Scott and Kira in Mexico. The sheriff wants to call law enforcement in Mexico to help. Stiles says there is no time and declares that he is going. The sheriff threatens to lock Stiles up but his son says he will still find a way to go. He asks Stiles for more time saying he will do all he can through channels and if it doesn't work he and Stiles will both go to Mexico. 


In the loft with a table full of guns, Derek feels helpless. Braeden points out that she is human and she's not helpless. Derek confesses he doesn't expect to live through rescuing Scott. Braeden says she's not okay with that and they kiss. Derek says if he can save Scott and Kira he's willing to die.

Peter comes down the spiral stairs and says they don't have near enough firepower to take down even one berserker. He says defeating them isn't just about firepower; they have to break the animal spirit from the human inside. Derek says only Argent has real experience and he's "not getting back to me." Peter suggests they're going to need help he says "like Malia, maybe Liam, definitely me." 


Stiles is going through Scott's closet looking for something for Malia to sniff so she can track Scott. His shirts smell like fabric softener so Stiles looks in the dirty clothes hamper in the bathroom and comes up with a pair of boxers. Stiles makes a face and Reed rolls his eyes. He throws a pillow at Stiles and another at Malia.

"That works too," Stiles says

Liam is downstairs and Stiles tells him to go home. Due to Liam's lack of control during the full moon, he will be a liability on the trip. Stiles says considering how he tore through chains during his last full moon they would have to "freeze him in carbonite" to get him to Mexico. Liam says that's great and asks "where do we get carbonite?" Liam insists that he wants to help save Scott and they decide they will have to come up with some special way to restrain him after Reed points out that if they're all going to Mexico and leave Liam here, he might kill someone.

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