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Kain waited until breakfast the next morning to talk about the findings from the library. Honestly, he didn't want to stress her out anymore, but the sooner she knew the sooner she could work on it. That morning he fussed to get her hair into a proper ponytail. It was a team effort really, as she had never done anything to her hair and he had been wrapping it up under a hat or scarf for the most part.

It was a moment he genuinely enjoyed and enjoyed her enjoying. Paili sipped her tea as Kain tried not to stare. He put his hand on top of her head. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his tone softer than Paili had ever heard it. 

She shrugged. "I'm okay. Are you okay?" Her green eyes met his.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. I just wanted to make sure you were alright after the library incident."

She looked back to her cup. "That man who took me...he said he was my father."

The color drained from Kain's face. "Was he?"

"I was raised by the skulk," she replied. "I had never seen him before that day. He said he was sorry."

"I'm sorry you had to go through something like that. "

Paili shook her head. "When we went to the place with the books did you find out why the fire happens?"

He nodded.  "It's something that I've never seen with my own eyes but I have heard of it. Some people refer to it as essence."

"What's that? "

"It's a little hard to explain. Um... Think of it as something like... When I make a fire in the fireplace. You are the fire and the fire is the log."

Paili tilted her head then looked up at him. "But, fire is fire. Why?"

Kain swallowed the bread he was chewing on. "If we have no logs we can't make fire, right?" She nodded her understanding. "Your essence is the energy that keeps you alive- according to some overseas scholars."

"So what does that mean?"

" That means you have harnessed your living energy and given it a physical form. I don't know how but you have and it's amazing. "

"So, I will make more fire." Paili's shoulders slumped and she looked to her lap.

Kain pet her head. " That also means you can learn to control it. This is really good, Paili. "

A knock on the door beckoned him. He returned with a letter. It was Yali again.

Dearest Kain and Paili,

I hope you're satisfied with how jealous our correspondence has made me of your steadily growing relationship. The two of you have grown so close I almost feel like she may be better off with you;however, I have saved enough money to bring Paili to Seila with me.

I will be coming next week to pick her up. Please have her things ready when I arrive. We can talk more once I'm ashore. I can't wait to have Paili all to myself!

Love, Yali

Kain put the letter away with a frown. "Well, I guess this means we won't be seeing as much of each other. Paili shook her head. "But... You promised you'd stay with me! You're gonna send me away-"

"What? No, honey, I'm not sending you anywhere. Don't you remember? Yali was always going to come back for you."

" I don't want to go with Yali! What about Cylus and Uncle Quinn and Aunt Beali? "

"We will come visit you," Kain replied. " We can still see each other, just not everyday. Look, you can talk to Yali when she gets here, okay? Tell her everything."

Forestborn: Origins of Paili WardWhere stories live. Discover now