(Chapter One-Glitch in the System)

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Pearl: "Why would she fix the homeworld warp!" 'Pearl asks loudly as her and Garnet look at the now fully repaired warp'

Garnet: "It dosent matter, she isnt coming back" 'Garnet says as she summons her gauntlets'

'Garnet slams her hands down onto the Homeworld warp causing it to shatter throwing pieces of it across the platform'

'Pearl shields herself with her arms for a moment, once Garnet is finished breaking the warp pad Pearl lowers her arms with a sigh of relief'

Garnet: "Come on, let's go home" 'Garnet says calmly as she begins to walk back to the warp home with Pearl'

'Once they make it to the warp Steven can be seen waiting there with a tired face'

Pearl: "Where's Amethyst?" 'Pearl asks with a confused look on her Face as Garnet turns her head to look around'

Steven: "She went to go find Chip, he just kinda..wandered off" 'Steven says with a yawn causing Pearl to sigh'

Garnet: "They couldn't have gone far, it's a small platform" 'Garnet says calmly before the loud sound of metal on stone brings her out of her thoughts'

'Amethyst comes out from around a spire while dragging Chip across the ground by his arms, sparks can be seen coming from his head while the his eyes flash a bright yellow color every so often'

Amethyst: "Guys? A little help?" 'Amethyst says as she struggles to drag Chip closer to the warp pad'

'Garnet walks over to Amethyst swiftly before picking Chip up carefully and carrying him in her arms'

Garnet: "What happened?"

Amethyst: "I dunno, I heard somthing slam into the floor and found him behind one of these pillars, there was some sort of Painting on one of em but I couldnt tell what it was" 'Amethyst says as she steps onto the warp pad next to Steven'

Pearl: "Why is he sparking? He isnt injured is he?" 'Pearl as she stands next to Garnet'

Garnet: "I dont believe so, it seems like he had some sort of energy surge causing him to overload" 'Garnet says as she activates the warp pad'

'Once the group is warped home and Steven is put to Bed Garnet and Pearl aswell as Amethyst take Chip outside before laying him on his back'

Amethyst: "So what are we doing?"

Garnet: "Checking his internal systems for damage" 'Garnet says as she lays her hand onto Chip's chest softly'

Pearl: "Even if he is damaged there may not be anything we can do" 'Pearl says softly causing Garnet to tense up for a moment'

'Garnet presses onto Chip's chest with more pressure, A hiss comes from Chip's body as steam flows from his mouth, Chip's chest opens up causing his shirt to rip apart'

'Once his chest is fully open different devices can be seen flickering or flashing different colors, within the center of his chest is a large Black cube, just to the left of it is a even larger sphere like device with four rings around it'

Amethyst: "Woah, what is all that"

Pearl: "That is his reactor right there" 'Pearl says pointing at the sphere looking device'

Garnet: "Everything seems to be intact, however I dont know what...this is" 'Garnet says pointing at the large Black box like device'

Pearl: "Me either, I've never seen that in any other Metamorin before, could it be what allows him to use Gem technology?"

Amethyst: "I mean maybe? It kinda feels like a gem does, well its energy anyway" 'Amethyst says in a confused voice'

'The reactor suddenly flickers blue before the sphere lights up with a blue sparking energy, The rings around the Sphere begin spinning and rotating around the large sphere causing Bright arcs of energy to erupt through the chest cavity'

Pearl: "Oh my! That's certainly new" 'Pearl says in surprise'

Garnet: "Yes it would seem his reactor is much more powerful than the previous models" Garnet says calmly as Chip's eyes flash bright blue for a moment before he sits up quickly'

'Chip begins coughing violently causing Amethyts to pat his back softly'

Amethyst: "You good metal head?" 'Amethyst asks with a amused voice'

'Chip, slowly starts to calm down as his chest cavity closes back up, where human like skin once was has been replaced with a silver colored metal'

'Garnet sits down infront of Chip calmly as Chip begins to look around his surroundings'

Chip: "What...happened?"

Pearl: "We arent sure...Amethyst said you viewed a Mural of some sort, then you had a power surge" 'Pearl explains softly as she rests on her knees'

Garnet: "What did you see on the Mural?" 'Garnet asks curiously causing Chip to have a look of confusion'

Chip: "There was a painting of..."

Amethyst: "Of who?"

Chip: "Of...of" 'Chip says straining himself as he tries to remember the painting'

Pearl: "Who was it Chip?" 'Pearl says softly as she places a hand on his shoulder'

'Chip looks up at pearl for a moment before his eyes begin to widen, his glowing blue eyes shrink down into a dot'

Chip: "It was a painting of......Pink" 'Chip says in a quiet and very confused voice'

'Garnet tenses up while Amethyst looks as confused as Chip, Pearl stands up and backs away from Chip with her eyes wide'

Pearl: "How do you know of her?" 'Pearl asks with a fearful voice causing Chip to look down'

Chip: "I-I dont know, I just know that I should know someone with that name" 'Chip says as he begins to shake'

'Garnet takes a deep breath before she turns him around and pulls Chip to sit inbetween her legs, Chip's breathing steadies as Garnet hugs him softly'

Garnet: "What else do you remember about her?" 'Garnet asks softly causing Chip to think for a moment'

Chip: "Something about...a diamond? It's kinda fuzzy that's all I can make out of it" 'Chip says Causing Pearl to start pacing while clearly looking shaken'

Amethyst: "Pearl are you okay?"

Pearl: "No! I am not okay, first a homeworld Gem trying to get to earth and now this!" 'Pearl says in a agitated voice as she looks from Amethyst to Chip'

Garnet: "Pearl"

Pearl: "Who knows what other things could be buried in his subconsious?! He could be dangerous!" 'Pearl says loudly causing Chip's eyes to turn black as he looks down'

Garnet: "PEARL" 'Garnet yells causing Pearl to jump before turning to Garnet'

'Pearl looks at Garnet then to Chip with a face of realization coming over her face'

Pearl: "Oh...I..." 'Pearl says before going quiet with a look of shame on her face'

'Garnets sighs before looking back down at Chip, who has gone quiet'

Garnet: "Dont worry about it, If you remember anything else make sure to tell me okay?" 'Garnet says with a soft voice earning a nod from Chip'

'Garnet gives Pearl a warning look from underneath her visor, even though Pearl cant see her eyes she still shudders clearly intimidated'

Garnet: "Now, let's go put you to sleep, a young boy such as yourself needs his rest" 'Garnet says as she picks Chip up by his midsection, Garnet stands up while looking down at Chip with a soft smile, Chip's eyes turn a dull green as he is carried off'

Amethyst: "You got told!" 'Amethyst says with a amused smile'

Pearl: "Oh hush up!"

*To be continued*

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