(Chapter Two - Jasper's Choice)

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Jasper: "What?! No!"

Chip: "I have given you a choice so thinking them over would be best" 'Chip says sighing as he stands up'

Jasper: "Why would I want to stay on this football of a planet?!"

Chip: "Because as my mother told me, Earth set her free, maybe it can do the same for you" 'Chip says after taking a deep breath'

Chip: "And thanks to you I have been dealing with some rather un healthy symptoms I didnt know I could have involving my reset"

Jasper: "....What do you mean?" ' Jasper asks in a serious tone of voice, Chip looks back at Jasper his eyes glowing a dull orange color'

Chip: "Thanks to you I've been lashing out at the people that care about me, I attacked my mom in my sleep when we first talked like this" 'Chip says with his voice dripping with anger'

Chip: "So look over the choices I've given you, and when the times comes. I hope you choose the right one, for both of our sakes"

'Chip then is pulled from the mindscape leaving a confused and conflicted Jasper'

'She had lost HER Diamond a long time ago, and now the closest thing to a replacement for Pink Diamond is on the enemy side, not only that but he has shown Mercy to her'

'Jasper's mind drifts back to his enraged state she had seen before, the red flame like aura around him looked oddly similar to the One a certain Diamond makes often'

Jasper: "He really is like Blue Diamond...." 'Jasper says quietly before her arms are pulled back into the water below her by her restraints'

'Chip opens his eyes waking up on the porch of the Beach house, holding his head in pain and confusion'

Chip: "Maybe firing off that blast wasnt the best way to do this" 'Chip says gritting his teeth from the splitting head ache'

Garnet: "I'll say" 'Garnet says as she walks out of the house, even without seeing her eyes Chip can feel the Glare coming from his adoptive mother'

'Chip laughs nervously as he stands up brushing himself off as Garnet walks upto him'

Garnet: "So, care to explain why you forced yourself into unconsciousness above the ocean?"

Chip: "I...may....have gone to speak to...Jasper"

Garnet: "Why"

'Chip attempts to keep strong under Garnet's intense gaze, he quickly falters dropping his shoulders while taking a deep breath'

Chip: "I figured the best way to help myself deal with the recent... developments would be to confront one of them, so I gave Jasper a choice" 'Chip says catching Garnet by surprise, Garnet lowers her Glare for a moment curiosity taking over her'

Garnet: "And what would that choice be?"

Chip: "She could either stay on earth, take time to learn more about herself and the world around her or...the next time we deal with her. She'll end up in a bubble for the foreseeable future" 'Chip says surprising Garnet even further at the rather mature nature Chip has taken on'

Garnet: "So...you still think there is some hope for her?"

Chip: "If there is hope for something like me then yes, there has to be hope for her" 'Chip says his eyes darkening slightly as he looks down'

'Garnet smiles softly before lifting Chip's chin up to make him look at her'

Garnet: "While I dont appreciate you doing such reckless things without my input on them. I am impressed with how you handled the situation, you are growing very fast and into a very fine gentlebot" 'Garnet says causing Chip to snort for a moment before chuckling lightly'

Garnet: "Just go easy on yourself okay? You arent who they say you are and you know that"

Chip: "Okay..."

Garnet: "Now I believe Sapphire told you about the Plan her and Ruby were making right?" 'Garnet asks curiously'

Chip: "Not really? They told me it was a plan and that's it"

Garnet: "Well you better rest up and behave yourself because tomorrow it's going to be a family day" 'Garnet says booping Chip's nose causing the young Cyborge to puff his cheeks out while pouting'

Chip: "I'm not a little kid!"

Garnet: "No but you always will be my little cyborge" 'Garnet says teasingly earning a sigh from Chip as he hangs his head'

*To be continued*

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