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...going out with your friends, including your best friend Gordon, who prefers the nickname Sting. You believe in him, his music and his band, however you are the only. That's probably on of the reasons why his feelings for you are growing stronger, every time he sees you. He wants to impress you and the dance floor is the perfect chance for him... but he's not very successful...

Y/N: ...oh, and by the way. Where is Sting?

(gif) Sting: Hey Y/N! I am here!

Y/N: What the... Sting what are you doing?

Sting: I am dancing! Look at this move! ...Och!

But the only thing you can see is Sting falling on the floor, after doing a strange looking dance-step. As fast as it was possible you rush to your friend.

Y/N: Sting! Damn! That was painful, wasn't it?

Sting: Och... Oh, no! I am... ahhh... I am fine...

Y/N: You are bleeding! Gosh! Let me help you.

Sting: No,... I can... Ahhh...

Y/N: Stop being a macho! I'll bring you home! Now! I 'll administer you first aid.

Sting: If you insist. But maybe we could drink something, back home...

Y/N: Yeah, sure, whatever, but only if you let me help you.

Sting: Do what you have to do...

Careful you give the cute boy a leg up, so he could lean on you.

Sting: Oh hey,... actually that's really nice. You smell really good... I like being near you...

Y/N: How much blood have you lost?

Sting: No i mean it... You are very pretty... and i love you...

Y/N: Okay, probably a lot of blood... Oh... and ammm... thank you, lover boy... but unfortunately you are the worst dancer ever and you are hurt... but still very handsome...

So... well... in a different way it worked for him...

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