John Lennon

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John Lennon

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John Lennon

...John and you are friends and he wants to ask you out, but unfortunately he, John Lennon, well known for being a womanizer, is to scared. The last thing he wants is that you think of him as a bad boy, or worse, that he wants to play with your feelings. So maybe he needs a little help from some good friends...

John:... I could... no, no, that's stupid... or... No! That's only more stupid... But what if...

Paul: Hey John!

John:... No... I can't do it...

Paul: JOHN!

John: What?... Oh, hey Paul!

Paul: The hell are you doing, lad? How long have you been sitting here, mumbling too yourself?

John: I am not mumbling!

Paul: Not right now, but since I entered the room you were.

John: Non of your business. And now leave me alone, kiddo. I have to think about some serious stuff...

Paul: Oh yeah... Serious stuff... I see... Stuff like, i don't... maybe Y/N?

John: wHaT!? Noooo! Why would i think of her? I mean, it's not like she has the most beautiful eyes of the world, or that her hair smells likes honey or the cute smil... Hey! Why are you laughing?

Paul: Oh my goodness. You are so lovey-dovey about her! I didn't knew you have such a heavy pash on Y/N.

John: Haha Paul. Not funny and not true! You are the only one who would think such things!

Paul: Liar! George! Ringo!

George, Ringo: Yeah!!!

Paul: Who's John's crush?

Ringo: Y/N!

George: Definitely!

Ringo: Obviously!

John: Okay, okay! You've got me! I like her... like like a lot... a lot, a lot... but stop it! Anyway... I am not able to ask her out...

Paul: Why?

Ringo: Yeah! Why! You are John... you don't have such a virgin nose like me, or George eyebrows, or Paul's awfull women eyes... You are the Mr. Sexappeal among us guys.

John: And that's the biggest problem,... it's well-known that i am a player. But i realy like her and i don't know what to say to her.

George: What do you mean with "you don't know what to say"? You've been flirting with girls since you can talk. Jesus, you've probably even flirted with the midwife after your birth... Girls love you. You know what to say to them...

John: Just how to get under their skirts. But what do i have to say to her if i want to take her out?

Ringo: Wait! You haven't been on a date before? How?

John: It's not necessary to get women in bed...

Paul: Oh dear... Just phone her now and repead what we are saying... Okay?

John: What? Like right now?

George: Yes of course right now!

John:... O-okay... I-i can do this... It's just Y/N. I've phoned her bevor...

George hands him the phone. Unsure John grabbs it.

John: Or maybe i could phone her tomorrow, because...

Ringo: No! Now!

John: Okay, okay... it's ringing...

Paul: Remember! Repeat after us...

John: Mhm...

Then there's a klick in the phone...

Y/N: Hello...

John: Heiiiiiii Y/N... It's me!

Paul: John!

John: Right... John! It's John!

Y/N: Oh, hi John! How you doing?

John: Fine, fine... but actually I've wanted to ask you something...

Y/N: Yeah, go on...

Paul: You know you are a wonderful, beautiful girl...

John: You know you are a wonderful, beautiful girl...

Paul: And I've liked your for the longest time and since then I've wanted to ask you out...

John: And I've liked your for the longest time and since then I've wanted to... to... to...

Paul: Ask you out... *louder*Ask you out!*louder*

Y/N: Is Paul also there?

John: Oh ammm... No!

Y/N: Really? I thought I've heard Paul...

John: No... it's just... Hey!

That's the moment Paul snatched the Phone from Lennon's Hand. With a deeper voice he said...

Paul: Hey! Well i am training to imitate him, because he's such a handsome and talented guy and my best friend, but anyway, let's have a date on Sunday. I'll pick you up at eight. Bye beautiful!

With a satisfied smile he ended the phone call. John's face was shocked...

Paul: No need to thank me...

John: The hell...

George: You've got a date!

Ringo: Woooo!

John: I was alright with...

Paul: You were boring! And now you've got a date with Y/N!

John: I'll probably just jump in the sea and die...

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