The Siege of Le'Dria

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Casteil's destruction of Le'Dria had slowed to an arbitrary siege. The oni held the line as both sides erected a magical shield, and both sides slung spells in an attempt to destroy the other. The battle had come to a stalemate and would be determined upon the shear magical power of each side—something the oni were known for having in abundance.

Le'Dria's shield flickered with every assault. Few had lived to see the power the oni's commanded over magic as each spell struck the shield with the force of ten of what the other races could conjure. However, the shield remained because of one man. Half oni had the unique ability to wield magic without the use of horns. They also held more magical energy naturally than most others.

Such was the case for the man who sat atop the gate and held the shield in place.

Casteil ground her teeth as the barrier over Le'Dria withstood another barrage of spells. The table her and her generals stood around groaned under her grip.

"Get me a way to take that fucking shield down now!"

She declined her head to stare at a map of Le'Dria.

"There's a grate in the wall here." One of her generals pointed to the far side of the city on the map. "If we could get a boat, a small force could open the grate and infiltrate the city."

"Gagiel, you forget that they can see our every movement."

"Not if we move under the cover of night, my queen," another general added.

"Yes, we would also want a larger distraction to ensure their eyes remain trained on our main force," the third stated.

"The weapon, my queen," Gagiel affirmed. "We use the gift the goddess gave us. It is, after all, his purpose, is it not?"

Casteil studied the map as she turned over the plan her generals offered in her mind.

"How old is this map?"

The generals shifted at her question. Casteil glared up at their silence.

"I asked a question. I'll not be blindsided by arrogance again! How old is the map?"

"A few hundred years..." Gagiel sighed.

"So, they could've patched it up then."

"I doubt it, my queen," one of the generals said. "Its design is to let water flow out, so the city doesn't flood. It's a necessary weak point in their design."

"Then they would probably have covered it by now, knowing it's a weak point in their defense, right?"

"I don't believe they would. As I said, the city would flood without it, especially during the rains which is common this time of year. It's likely they would have a small contingent of soldiers guarding it now that they're under siege, but nothing those we send couldn't handle."

"Agreed," the third general said. "We'd could send our most elite to overpower the guards, then have them blend in and strike from the inside."

"The shield doesn't extend to the rear of the city either. Spells could penetrate the wall there to allow more troops through as well. If we time it right, they won't know the wall has been breached," Gagiel said.

"Alright. We'll wait for night. Dante will assault the main gate while the main force suppresses. Get your best warrior under each of your commands and a boat to assault the rear of the city. I will personally Le'Dria will fall tonight!" Casteil narrowed her eyes on the city.

Fire ran through her body at the sight of it. Casteil watched as the Spring Flames sent their ember colored blossoms floating on the wind. Le'Dria's native tree, the one plastered on all their banners, a weeping willow that bloomed orange flowers in the spring. Casteil's mother had told her of them once, and how whenever a breeze blew, the flowers looked like embers cast from a fire on the wind.

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