Chapter 16

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I screamed once the silver came in contact with my skin. Ripples of searing pain went throughout my body. I could feel the skin on my neck peeling away and blood oozing out.

Orion just stood there, watching.

I made a move and threw my self at him, trying to knock him over but he moved farther away so I was barely able to touch him. I screamed once again when the chains pulled me back.

He went back up to the wall and grabbed two more chains. They had hand cuffs attached to the ends of them. I backed up to the wall, crying and put my hands behind my back so he couldn't get to them.

"Please. Don't do this to me! I'll be better. I won't disrespect you anymore!" I begged but he didn't listen. He continued to walk over to me.

With much struggle, he finally was able to peel my hands away from behind my back. I tried to pull my hands out of his grip but he was too strong. "Hold still," He grunted out while trying to put the cuffs on my hands.

Once he did, I screamed once more as I felt my flesh burning. Since wolves heal pretty fast, my skin was coming back together, only to be burnt off again. I layed on the ground, rolling around in pain. There was a puddle of crimson around me, making the room smell even worse.

"There," Orion said. "Maybe now you'll know that I don't like games," He finished while walking out of the cell, the guard closing it behind him.

The pain had become too much at that point. I was so weak and tired from struggling that I let myself fall into a deep sleep.


Later that evening

I awoke to the sound of the cell door opening. I was still in the same position I had been when Orion left me here. My face was sticky from all the tears and blood and my hair was matted down with dry blood.

I lifted my head as I saw feet emerge from the darkness. Someone lent down in front of me and set down a tray, making me drop my head. It had a glass of water along with slop that was supposed to resemble food. I looked up at the person's face to see it was Orion. I didn't want anything, especially from him. I had only eaten breakfast that day and I intend to keep it that way.

Hunger strike. I told Isla.

Hunger strike. She repeated.

"Eat," Orion commanded, making me shake my head slightly. "This all better be gone when I get back," He said and stood back up to leave.

"I don't want it," I said, my voice hoarse. It hurt to speak since I had a huge silver collar burning my neck.

Orion laughed, stopping in his tracks. "You don't want it?" He asked and I shook my head, wincing at the silver burning me. "Well you don't really have a choice."

"I do have a choice. It's just that I don't want anything from you. Therefore, I'm choosing not to eat it," I backfired, wincing as I spoke. My throat was killing me but I didn't care. Orion came back and lent down in front of me. He gripped my chin, making me flinch. He forced me to look at him before saying, "Then starve." He dropped my chin and got up and left again, leaving me in the dark with a tiny lightbulb.


The next morning

Orion came back down here to give me my 'breakfast'. He set it down next to me and sighed heavily when he saw the still full tray from yesterday.

"Are you going to eat?" He asked as he picked up the tray.

"No," I bluntly stated. I coughed, a tear made it's way down my face from the pain. "Ow," I whined.

"No?" He asked for clarification.

"It's not like you care anyways. You said it yourself. You. Don't. Want. Me." I repeated his words just like how he had said them to me. "Why not just kill me and get it over with?"

"I can't do that," He said. Something glimmered within me. I felt a sliver of hope.

"And why is that?"

"Daren won't let me." I frowned.

"Daren?" I asked.

"My wolf," He replied.

"Oh." I mentally slapped myself for thinking that he was going to 'profess his undying love for me'. Oh, when will I ever learn?

"You have to eat," He insisted but I shook my head, wincing.

"You'll have to eat one day," He said before he left.

More tears started to fall down my face, adding to the stickiness. I was too weak to move and wipe them away so I just let them fall.

"I want to go home," I whispered to myself as I fell asleep, hoping to never wake up.

Orion's POV

Daren has stopped talking to me ever since I put her down there. I don't blame him though. I hate myself just as much as he does.

I sat at my desk with my face in my hands. I wanted to be with her so bad but I hated her at the same time. I can't explain it.

Someone knocks on the door of the office. I grumble a 'come in', not bothering to look up to see who it is.

"You shouldn't have done that, mate." Ace's voice sounded throughout the room.

"I didn't ask," I snapped.

"You're taking it way too far. She is your mate for Goddess sake," He said.

"Are you questioning my ability to run my pack?" I ask, losing my patience.

"I am not questioning you by any means, but she isn't the one who killed your parents." I growled.

"What's the difference?" I grumble.

"Whoever that was, they were evil. Rayna has been anything but evil. She has given you many chances and how many have you given her? None. Nada." He emphasized the words 'none' and 'nada'.

"And she'll continue to give me more chances. That's what I want, for her to break, for her to be naive enough to continue to trust me by giving me more chances," I said

"One day, she wont be naive anymore. She will be smart enough to not even spare you a glance. She will walk this earth stronger than ever before. And what happens after that? What will be left of your little scheme to break her?" He asks and I don't say anything.

"Nothing." He walks out.


I kinda really like this chapter. It gave me the chills by just writing it.

I managed to sneak in some time to update before hoco week.

Anyways I'll see y'all in the next chapter.

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