Chapter 25

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We arrived at an open clearing that is surround by trees. It was about an hour run from the pack house.

I gathered trash along the way that stupid humans left all over the forest to use as targets.

I set the trash down in a pile and took the drawstring bag behind a tree. I shifted back and put my clothes back on.

I heard a distant growl but shrugged it off. It might be some other wolf or animal.

I exited the forest with the bag and trash in hand. Charles was patiently waiting in the middle of the clearing for me. He gave a confused expression as he saw the trash in my hand.

"Stupid humans, thinking they could trash the forest as if nothing else is living in it." I mumbled. "I'm gonna use this trash as a target." I finished, answering his unasked question. He made an 'o' shape with his mouth. I set the trash up in a line.

"So what do you want to start working on?" Charles asked.

"Well first, I have to learn how to summon my powers whenever I want in the first place. Sometimes it works and other times, it's like they don't exist." He nodded.

"And how will you do that?" He asked. I simply just shrugged.

"I'm not sure. Right now, I'm guessing I have to feel the fire and heat within me for fire and the freezing cold temperature for ice."

I aimed my palm towards a plastic bottle that I had aligned.

Nothing happened.

I willed myself to try harder. Again. Nothing.

Soon, fifteen minutes of trying passed. I groaned as I kept trying, failing each and every time.

"Why is it so hard!" I yelled in irritation. "It's so easy for them to go crazy, yet, I can't actually use them when I want to!" I threw my hands in the air and brought them down, throwing a mini tantrum. As soon as my hands reached my sides, flames emerged from them, catching the grass on both sides of me to catch fire.

I jumped out of the way in shock. "Are you kidding me!" I yelled and stomped on the flames in anger, putting them out. A thin sheet of ice took place of the flames. I screamed in frustration once again.

"Stop." Charles interrupted my tantrum. I turned to look at him. He had a puzzled expression on. "I'm no expert on," he gestured to the patch of ice now on the ground. "Whatever this is, but, I think your emotions may be triggering your powers to go crazy."

A wave of realization spread across my face. He was right. I keep letting my frustration and anger get the best of me. I was overwhelmed with everything that has been going on the past couple months.

"I think you need to calm down and focus."

I nodded and took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to calm myself. I then focused on the elements around me. The subtle wind blowing my hair around. The whistle it made as it passed my ears. The scent of the forest surrounding the area. The way the blades of grass brushes against the exposed skin on my legs. I took all of that in in one final breath before I aimed my palm towards the plastic bottle on the ground. I let coldness overwhelm me. Ice emerged from my palm and hit the bottle spot on, making it fly into the air and land on the other side of the clearing.

I was pushed back from the force. I fell back on my butt but smiled nonetheless. I jumped back up and cheered. "I did it!" I yelled. I ran up to Charles and embraced him. He stumbled back but caught his balance. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around me in return.

We soon pulled away from eachother. "You did do it. I'm proud of you." Charles smiled. "But, that doesn't mean you should stop working on it. You need to get the hang of it so you can't keep doing it almost instantaneously." I nodded and continued practicing.


I've been practicing for the last three hours. I was so exhausted that my powers weren't working anymore. I slumped to the floor and layed down on the grass.

"Noted." I breathed out. "Powers don't work when I'm out of energy."

Charles stood over me and held out his hand which I gladly took. He pulled me back up. I thanked him and stretched my sore limbs.

"We should probably get going. Its getting pretty dark." He said while looking at the sun which was setting. It looked beautiful setting behind the trees.

"Yeah." I agreed. "We wouldn't want Orion to worry." I said in a sour and sarcastic manner while rolling my eyes.

Charles didn't say anything. I went behind a tree and took my clothes off again and put them in the bag. I shifted into my wolf and picked the bag up with my mouth. I exited the forest to go and meet Charles. He had already shifted and was waiting for me.

He looked at my fur with admiration. No matter how many times he has seen it, he still looks at it in awe.

I shook my head at him and he started running. I followed behind him, the wind whipping my fur around and the snapping and crunching of leaves and twigs. It felt great to feel the wind and smell the foresty scent.

It took about the same time it did to get to the clearing to get to the pack house. By now, it was pitch black outside. I shifted and put my clothes back on behind a tree.

Charles and I walked into the house and upstairs to retreat into our rooms. Before I could even touch the door, Orion emerged from the office and signaled Charles and I to get into the office. "Rayna, Charles, a word." He seemed pissed off. I don't know what I keep doing to make him mad but I guess my whole presence does the job.

Charles and I looked at eachother knowingly. We knew he was going to yell at us. We walked into the office and closed the door. I sat down in the oh so familiar chair that was in front of the wooden desk. The desk was still burnt from my outburst a month ago.

"Where the hell were you two!"

Thoughts on this one?

It's been rough lately. I'm talking with one of my best friends since elementary school about how we are both changing. I'm in this stage in my life where I am trying to figure out who I am as a person regarding personality, what I want to do with my life, and what I'm going to do to get to my goals. I am having second thoughts on my career choices. I wanted to be an interpreter for the deaf since I am learning sign language but I realized that's not what I want to devote myself to do. I really love music. I live singing and playing music. I honestly don't know what I would do without it. I also love writing. I love expressing myself on paper (or in this case, online). I want to be an author and write but at the same time, I want to do music related things.

Anyway, enough about my life problems. Just understand that I might need some time here and there to get my ish back together.

I hope everyone had a good d safe weekend.

Anyways I'll see y'all in the next chapter.

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