Chapter 19

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It's all I felt and saw.

I couldn't open my eyes as much as I wanted to. I could hear quiet, steady beeps somewhere in the distance. For some reason, it didn't feel far. How could they be so close but sound so far away?

"When is she going to wake up?" I heard a voice from somewhere. It relieved me to recognize it as Charles.

"It is hard to decipher right now. She hasn't eaten for two weeks. Her heart needed the energy to keep pumping but since she didn't eat, she wasn't giving energy to her heart. It is slowing down. We need to give her nutrients through the IV since she is in a coma. She also lost a lot of blood, almost reaching the lethal amount of blood loss," A female voice explained.

I'm in a coma? I asked myself. Isla was still in the back if my head, refusing to come out.

I tried to move; to move anything to signal that I was awake but it was no use. I was paralyzed. I couldn't speak either. It was like my vocal chords were non-existent.

My throat was dryer than the desert. I needed water but didn't know how to show it. I couldn't move or speak.

"Thank you doctor. I'll let Orion know. He has been worried sick," Charles said.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. Orion was worried about me? The mate he had rejected and hated?

"Of course," The female voice who I now know as the doctor replied. I heard a pair of receding footsteps and the opening and closing of a door.

I felt someone come up to the bed and adjust something on my arm. Whoever it was left my side and I started to hear shuffling around the room.

I so desperately wanted to tell someone I was awake. I had only been awake for a couple of minutes and I was already dreading it. Not being able to see or do anything but just hear the world around you sucks.

I suddenly heard footsteps retreating, leaving me in the lonely room, with beeping echoing in my ears.

Not knowing what else to do, I let myself succumb to the darkness and into the world of dreams.



After Rayna passed out in my arms, Charles and I quickly rushed her to the pack hospital where we learned she is in a coma due to her lack of energy from not eating for over 2 weeks.

Charles walked into the office where I was stressing over the situation. My head was in my hands. I could feel Daren calling out to her wolf and howling in dispair with every failed attempt.

"She is worsening slowly. The doctor doesn't know when she'll wake up. She said her heart is slowing down."

My breath hitched after hearing those words. I didn't want to believe it.

"This is my fault. I didn't think, I-ugh," I groaned as I ran my palms down my face.

"She should be starting to get better though," Charles started again, sitting down in one of the seats that were positioned in front of my desk. "The doctor is giving her what she needs through her IV."

That made me sigh in relief.

"She wouldn't be this way if I wasn't so stupid," I said, my voice being slightly muffled by my hands.

"You're right. Both of you were really stupid." I didn't even growl at that. I knew he wasn't wrong. We both never understood eachother.

That doesn't mean that I'll start being a loving mate. I can't for the safety of my pack. She is still very dangerous even if she hasn't messed up her powers in a while. The silver she has been in had probably blocked her from using her powers. There is a chance they could go crazy now that she is free from the silver.

"Yeah," I said admittingly after a pause. "We never understood eachother. We always yelled at eachother and never gave one another the chance to speak," I finished.

There was a dramatic silence that was killing me. Charles must have felt it because he spoke seconds after the thought crept into my mind.

"So what now?" He asked.

"I can't just be this loving mate that I haven't been all of a sudden," I replied. "I know she hates me. Besides, the pack still doesn't know we're mates."

"They have to find out one day. And I think they'd rather find it out from you and not anywhere else." He was right, just like he has been right for most things these past few weeks.

Charles got up to leave but I stopped him. "Wait, Charles," I called out to him, making him stop in his tracks.

"Yes?" He only turned his head in my direction. The rest of his body was angled towards the door.

"Thank you," I said. "Thank you for making me realize how much of an ass I've been. Thank you for not leaving my side after all the stupid things of done," I finished, feeling slightly better now that I've gotten it off my chest.

"That's what I'm here for, to make sure you know when you're screwing up." He said, a smirk spreading across his lips.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't push it." We both laughed. Well, it was more of a chuckle, but it was something. This was most likely the first time I've expressed this type of feeling in months; maybe even years.



I awoke once again, not knowing how long it has been. I still couldn't open my eyes and I hated it. I hated myself for starving myself. I hated Orion for putting me down there. I hated him and his sadistic and controlling personality. Just the thought of hearing his voice made my blood boil.

Some time later, I heard the doorknob of the room juggle. I then heard two pairs of steps enter the room. Neither were heavy so I assumed they both belonged to females. I then heard a very dramatic gasp from one of the sets of foot steps.

"Oh my goddess, Rayna!" The voice sounded panicked. It was Olivia's voice. I'm not sure why but hearing her annoyed me. Maybe because she was his sister.

A set of arms encased my body. I felt a familiar shooting pain in my wrist. She was on top of it, crushing it. I wanted to yell out in pain, but the stupid coma I was in made it impossible to do anything.

"Shhh," the doctor had to shush Olivia. I'm not going to lie, but I was grateful. Her bubbly personality was too much at times.

"She can most likely hear you and feel things. Please get off of her. You're on her injured wrist." The body that was on top of me jumped off.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry, Rayna. If you can hear me," She whispered the last sentence to herself, but I didn't miss it. Internally, I smiled sadly. I wanted to say something; that it was okay.

But I couldn't and it made me feel useless.


Sorry! It's been about a week. I've had many things to do so I didn't have time to update.

So I get very severe nose bleeds and I went to a doctor for them yesterday and I had to get this thing done where they kinda burn where the blood comes out from closed. It hurt like crazy towards the end. I'm not aloud to blow my nose for 2 weeks. Doesn't sound that bad but there's a twist. Guess who's nose decided to get runny right after the procedure? Yes. Mine. Now that I can't blow my nose, it sucks!!!! It doesn't sound like a big deal but once you can't do something that normal, it feels like the end of the world! Anyway, enough of me ranting about my nose problems.

Hope everyone has been enjoying Different. Be sure to vote if you'd like and comment your thoughts and questions!

Anyways I'll see y'all in the next chapter.

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