THREE (Aranel POV)

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I open my eyes, scared all of a sudden... growls and howls sound near, it feels like those wolves are wandering around the bed and not outside, close to the door. I swallow hard when hearing some claws slipping on gravel and can't help flinching under the blankets. The cave is dark, there aren't lit candles floating near the ceiling but the fire provides enough light to see the outline of furniture and the body of Luna curled up on a chair. A new growling and the sound of a quarrel, as if the wolves were fighting over a prey, echo against the stone walls and I slither closer to my wife, but not daring to wake her up: when the witch gets furious, bad things happen to you.

"Don't worry, they can't come in. My protection spells are really powerful..." Her voice sounds sleepy while she turns on the mattress, puts her arm around my waist and her leg finds its way between mines, almost lying on top of me before she sighs satisfied and falls into a deeper sleep. Her skin is hot and I can feel her softness even through the shirt I wore to go to bed. Ruby thought my sudden bout of shyness was funny because, according to her, she'd already seen what there's to see but she didn't stop me and just got completely undressed before lying next to me. Then, not for the first time, I noticed the designs covering her skin, colourful and fascinating tattoos that I don't understand but, somehow, they look perfect on her. I followed the lines with my eyes for a while not daring to ask their meaning, my mum told me it's impolite to ask indiscreet questions related to people's physical appearance, while she read a book full of complicated diagrams till she decided to turn the lights off and sleep. And then... nothing.

That puzzled me: I was expecting to feel that weird heat that forces me to stick to her body desperately again. I feel it somehow every time she gets closer to me, her sweet herbal perfume wraps me and her breath fans my neck like it's happening right now but it's not as powerful as it was the first time. It feels more like an... annoying tingle that seems to be soothed when I slide my fingertips through her forearm and her thigh presses between my legs slightly every time she makes herself comfortable. I don't quite understand what's happening ow what I want exactly and it's really frustrating not being able to find a name for this feeling because I'd love to talk to the witch and ask her to solve it. I have to learn... learn how to cook, work in the garden, make canned fruit, walk through the forest safely, learn simple spells... learn how to live with Ruby. I'm sick of being the dumb princess...


"Good morning, babe. It's time for breakfast." I blink blinded by the sunlight that comes through the open door, Ruby gets closer dressed in black and puts a cup of herbal tea with honey on the nightstand, it smells of berry jam and toasts... I have a funny feeling of déjà vu.

"I overslept, I'm sorry... several wolves woke me up last night while they were roaming freely near the door, it was very late... I think." I grab the cup and take a sip, temperature is perfect and I keep drinking delighted.

"Yes, they like to stalk their preys when they come to drink in the spring near the garden. They scared you... Don't worry, they can't come in."

"Your protection spells are really powerful, I know, you told me last night..." I slide my legs across the bed till sitting on the mattress, groping with my feet for the slippers I left on the rug yesterday.

"Did I say that? I don't remember it... The truth is that it's been a while since I slept so deeply." Ruby's hand strokes my hair absentmindedly while staring at me despite her mind seems to be miles away from this cave. I close my fingers around her wrist when she tries to move away and that brings her back to reality, the witch frowns confused while I look at her with puppy dog eyes not knowing what I want exactly. An amused smile plays across her lips, finally, and she leans forward, her mouth touches mine in a soft kiss and her teeth catch my lower lip very carefully before releasing it. I sigh dazzled and the tingling in my stomach turns into butterflies fluttering like crazy. "Good morning, princess. Go to get dressed and have breakfast... there's a busy day ahead of us..."

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