Chapter 3

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(Scott's POV)

As I walked into Rock Beer, I felt a weird feeling in me that wasn't a normal human function. It was more of an instinct that was trying to tell me something. I shook my head and walked over to Vincent, who was at the counter. That was when it came back. It was as if something was telling me something about him. I shook my head again.

Vincent looked at me and frowned. "Everything okay?" he asked.

I looked at him. "Yeah, just nervous," I said.

He chuckled. "About what? This isn't a date. Not yet a least," he said with a smile on his face.

"True, I don't...wait did you say this isn't a date yet?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Not that way exactly, but yeah. Look, this may be crazy but I like you...a lot. I know we just met but there's something about you that makes me happy in the inside," he told me. I looked at him. How am I going to tell him that I'm not into guys like that. Not yet at least. I didn't know I was homosexual until my girlfriend broke up with me for staring at a guy's ass. Well fuck that. I'm Homosexual. I don't give a fuck about what people tell me. Truth be told though, I'm not ready to tell people, who don't know about it or don't know me, that just yet. I sure as hell don't want to tell Vincent.

"Scott? You okay?" he said, waving his hand in front if my face. I shook my head to clear it from the thoughts.

"Yeah," I said. He smiled and order us a drink.

I have to admit, I've never been a fan of alchohol, but whatever the fuck this was that I was drinking, it's fucking good. I looked at Vincent, with this stupid grin on my face. He looked at me.

"Scott, you okay there?" he asked. He looked worried, but I couldn't really tell because I was drunk. I don't know how many shots I had, but damn did I feel good.

"Yeah, baby. How we go somewhere private and do, well you know what..." I said in a seductive voice.

"Scott, you're drunk. I like you in all, but we should wait to see if you okay with this," he said.

"Come on baby. Just one time..." I said smirking. I placed my hand on his hip and moved it slowly down his lap.

Vincent blushed then removed my hand. "That's enough drinks for you tonight," he said as he paid the bartender for the last one I had then got up.

"You're no fun. I want to have fun," I said a bit to loud for everyone to hear.

His faced lit up, light pink. "Can you walk?" he asked. I honestly didn't know. I don't think I could move from my spot due to my numb legs. He sighed. "Great..." he said as he picked me up and carried me out to the car. He set me down and as soon as my feet hit the ground, I was out. The only thing I saw was darkness.

My Strange Lover (Vincent x Scott) {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now