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Tears left Sema's eyes before any words could even leave her mouth.


"Swear the damn universe is working against me today." He gave a bitter chuckle. "How's your kids?"

"My kids?" She chuckled in the same bitter tone. "Fuck you. Still being an asshole after all these years."

She shook her head and began to walk off. He grabbed her arm and she turned around and punched him in the lip. He immediately let her arm go and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand' staining it with his blood. Her chest heaved up and down as she stared him down.

"Don't ever fucking grab me! You've got some nerve.. after everything!"

"I got some nerve, Sema?!" His voice boomed as he got in her face. "No, you don't get to play victim right now. YOU fucked up! Because I wasn't dumb enough to just go along with it you wanna say I got nerve? No, I had right!"

"Victim? The only one in here playing victim is you! You're the one who left us. You left your own kids and this disowned them!"

"I can't disown kids that aint fucking mine! You played me like a fuckin' simp for years and had me believing these kids were mine....had me thinking you were in love with me."

"What the fuck are you talking about, By? As much as you wanna convince yourself that our kids are not yours, it will never be true. You just failed to be a god-damned father."

"Just stop! You've been lying to me for so long. I'm gone now you can quit it! Why can't you just admit it to me?! Your mom already did!" Sema felt a pain in her chest. Her mom had done a lot to her and after what she found out about the doctor, this wouldn't be that surprising, but hurt nonetheless.

"What did you just say?" Sema's voice cracked as she spoke.

"Your mom told me everything. You were cheating on me, the kids weren't mine, you were using the hell outta me. She told me all of it. So why can't you?"

"Because none of that shit is true! I loved you more than I loved myself at that time and for you to even question anything about me is so flaw! I would've never hurt you! You just left us hanging and you didn't even leave an explanation. One day I just got a text that you were done and wanted nothing to do with me or our kids. You didn't even talk to me about it!"

"Why would your mom lie about that?"

"Because her ass is crazy! And apparently she's had it out for me since things ended with Aeris' dad. But that doesn't change the fact that you didnt come talk to me about it all! If you had doubts I would've been upset but we could've gotten DNA tests. You left and sent a motherfuckin' text and never looked back! Imagine how I fucking felt, sitting at our wedding rehearsal with all our friends and family, waiting for you to show up, and then I just get a text that you want nothing to do with us. Imagine me having to still pay for some of the wedding details because it was too late to cancel.


"Imagine how you left Kieran when he was five and I had to explain to him that you weren't coming back. Imagine him crying every night cause you weren't coming back home."

"Okay Sem, I -."

"Imagine you leaving our three month old daughter!"

"I get it, Sem! I fucking get it! You dont think I was hurting this whole time?! I thought you cheated on me and pinned the kids! I was hurting! I've been hurting since I left. I just fought with my wife yesterday cause I haven't been able to get over you since I left!"

"W-wife? Well it kinda looks like you got over me."

"Don't do that. You have a whole nigga too. It looks like you got over me too."

"How did you know that?" Sema questioned him as she crossed her arms.

"It doesn't matter. How could you?"

"How could I?! How could I finally move on six years later after you walked out on me and our two kids with no explanation why?! You have the fucking audacity to ask me that?! You're the fucking married one!"

"I deserved my happiness!" He defended.

"And I fucking didnt?! You know what? I'm done here. I've cried too many tears over you and they stop right here, right now. We're done here." Sema started to walk away again but he sped ahead and jumped in front of her this time so he wouldn't get punched again.

"The hell we are! What about my kids?"

"You mean the kids you said weren't yours. The kids I've been raising by myself for the last seven years? Oh my kids are fine. We didn't need you then and we don't need you now." She started to leave again but he trapped her between himself and the wall.

"I need yall, Sem. I was wrong for leaving the way I did but I didn't know what was actually going on."

"You didnt fuckin' ask!" She shouted in his face. "

"And thats on me. Look, I take accountability for that. I should've talked to you. But you can't blame me for the whole thing. And you know me Sem. You know I wouldn't just leave my kids."

"But you did! You did leave your kids. And to let you back in our lives now, it would just complicate things. And quite frankly, where do they fit into your new life?"

"You can't just keep them from me! I have a right to see them. I never meant to hurt them, or you for that matter. I just want to be in their life."

"Say I do. What happens if your wife doesn't accept them? I'm not standing for you leaving them again. I refuse to pick up the pieces again."

"You know me, Sem. I wouldn't do that."

"No, I knew you. I dont know you anymore."

"I haven't changed."

"And how I would I know that?"

"Because I still love you Sema!" Both of them were shocked that the words even came out of his mouth. Byron glanced down at lips before leaning in closer.

"Just wow," Nadia said, drawing his attention. She had her arms folded across her chest with tears streaming down her cheeks. "No more Sema right? It's all about me?" He just stood there like a deer caught in headlights.


"Save it." Nadia threw her hand up and turned to leave.

The worst part about it is he didn't even go after her.


I decided to go ahead and give yall another one. Happy Sunday! 💜

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