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Sema just stared off into the distance as  a lady police officer questioned her about the incident that just occurred. She was in a state of shock. Everything seemed to move in slow motion and anything anybody said sounded like a murmur.

"Are they alive?" She questioned, interrupting the interrogation officer. She had already prepared herself for the worst, considering that's the way most of these situation leaned towards.

"Yes, Mr. Williams and Mr. Brenton are alive. We really need you to answer these questions, Ms. Cotton."

"I...I...," Sema struggled to find words to say.

"That's it for today," Lita spoke up.

"We haven't even gotten her statements yet, chief."

"I said that's it," Lita reiterated firmly. The officer threw her hands up in surrender, pushed back from the table, and walked away. Lita turned to Sema with sympathetic eyes.

"Are you okay?" She reached her hand across the table and placed it on Sema's. Sema couldn't even answer in words. She just shook her head 'no' as she began to break down.

"He could've killed them! He could've killed me! Then what would happen to my kids, Lita?!" She just let the tears continue to stream down her face. To say she was shook up would be an understatement. "I just think about...what if I hadn't came out there when I did? What if the bullet would've hit Rich somewhere else? What if we hadn't have been friends? What if you hadn't have gotten there when you did?" Lita took Sema's hands into her own to try to comfort her.

"Hey, hey. I know you're shook up honey, but you don't need to think about the what if's right now. You're here and both of you're friends are as well. God placed his angels around y'all and spared y'all. That's what's important." Sema nodded her head and wiped her face with the back of her hand. The room was quiet for a few moments until Lita spoke up. "You know some of this is probably my fault. When I assumed responsibility of chief of police, I didn't look over all my officers' files."

"It's not your fault there's bigots on the force, Lita. You just got this position a couple months ago. You didn't know he was unhinged."

"No it is my fault. As a chief, reports can't go ignored and files can't be overlooked. I should have taken a look at all my officers' files. If I had, McGurdy wouldn't have been on my force much less on the streets, and this wouldn't have happened to you and your friends. So I do have to apologize for being thorough. I just want to know that hes on leave right now but I'm working on getting him fired, Sem, and he will be having his day in court. I'm not gonna let him get away with something like that. No one should be let of the hook for what he did. I'm turning over the whole file to the courts. We're going to get the surveillance tapes pulled from the parking garage. I can recommend you a great lawyer. I'll testify on your behalf...just whatever needs to be done to make this right."

Sema gave a half smile to Lita.

"I appreciate everything Lita. I really do...But I don't think you can be the one to make this right. You can do everything in your power—and you have a lot of power, but it probably still would not be enough to get a conviction. I do thank you for trying to get him fired, but I want you to watch out for yourself too. They see you trying to help the people, you become a target and I don't want that for you." Lita just nodded as her eyes became glossy. She sniffed and cleared her throat before getting up.

"Well, I'll let you go see your friends now. See about yourself too—getting a gun pointed at you could disturb you mentally. I'm really sorry, Sem. I'll check on you later." Without another word, Lita got up from the table and walked away before Sema could see her cry.

One Wing | Dave EastWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt