Chapter 59. If you really care

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One week later

We all have the bad habit of taking something for granted if it is always there. We understand its value only when it's gone. This rule applies to people too. Relationships are really fragile and it takes a lot of work to maintain them. They only become strong if we want them too.

I tried hard to wrap my head around with all the stuff going around me. I was okay with people avoiding me. I was kind of used to it but one thing I couldn't tolerate was my friends getting neglected when they had done nothing wrong.

Parth and Surbhi were doing their best to protect me from other students who never got tired of making remarks on me and from our other friends who felt repulsified even at the thought of being in the same room as me.

Basically, there were two groups of people formed now. Sandhya-phobic and Sandhya-phile. The people who fell under Sandhya-phobic category were Nikhil, Shree, Karthik, Ayush, Mahek, Tanya, Divya and Rashi.

Sandhya-phile had Surbhi, Parth, Shreyas, Rajeev and Mayank. Huge difference but I had nothing to complain about. At least I had them as support or else for all the trouble I had caused, I wouldn't expect anyone to be on my side.

As for Ved, I didn't know where to put that guy. He confused me a lot. Sometimes, he would act like I was the first person he would shoot if he was given a chance and other times, he acted like he was really worried about me.

But from my personal experience, I could easily rule out the second possibility. He wasn't concerned about me. He was just distracting me so that I didn't make any more mess and was only protecting his friends.

Talking about friends, it had been one week and I was not happy with the ongoing situation at all. My best friends, Parth and Surbhi were suffering along with me and it really hurt to see them get maltreated just because of me.

Was there no way to solve this problem? Were Tanya and others planning to ignore us for the rest of our lives?

I sighed and when I looked around me, I noticed that I had come to the old garden behind Dean's office. It was Mayank and Rajeev's spot. I made myself comfortable and sat down on the floor. I took out a Perk from my bag and began eating it.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I couldn't even enjoy the taste of the chocolate bar

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I was so lost in my thoughts that I couldn't even enjoy the taste of the chocolate bar. No matter how hard I tried to find a solution, I always met with a dead end. I felt so helpless.

I put my head between my knees and controlled myself from getting up and kicking something. I was really mad at myself. Only if I had followed Ved's warning, I wouldn't be sitting here and feeling so down.

"What are you doing here all alone?"

I looked up and saw Ayush staring back at me with a raised eyebrow. When I didn't say anything, he repeated his question and I told him that I was just spending some 'Me time' by myself.

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