Chapter 8: Edwards incredible abilities

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3rd person POV

Henry didn't have the whole lab set up, but he had most of it, and just enough to work.

Edward spent much time with Henry, curious as to what he was doing, and he would listen to Henry muttering about compounds and different chemicals. Then when Edward wasn't with Henry he was in the house, practicing tricks, and even trying to understand himself as to why he could make large objects disappear. 

One day, Henry had come inside while Edward was practicing, Edward was unaware that Henry was there, but Henry was watching from a side-angle. Edward pretends that he was with a crowd again, then he begins to twirl the necklace in his hands in the same motion as before. Henry watches intently, then has a look of amazement when the necklace begins to disappear. Henry almost can't take his eyes off of the necklace disappearing, but he does when he notices something else. Henry looks up to Edward's eyes. Edward's eyes look as if they're in a daze, or even further, a trance of some kind, and they look as if they have a very small glow, a green color.

Edward removes his hands swiftly and the necklace is fully gone. Henry now is more stunned than before. He watched the whole thing from another angle and there was definitely no way for Edward to have taken or hidden the necklace in time.
Edward looks now as if he's snapped out of the trance-like state. Then looks around. 

"Gosh dang it!!!" Edward exclaims. "Not again! I can never keep out of that.." He now walks around disappointed, looking for the necklace. Edward sighs when he can't find it like a normal person, so he finds a spot, then just concentrates. After a moment of concentration, Edward moves to the center of the room, he looks around a little confused, then he looks up slowly to see it hanging off one of the beams above.

"Ughh, not again..." He groaned. If he practiced in a big room in the orphanage and that happened he always hated having to get it down, climbing up and down ladders, sometimes doing other things. Edward looks around for a moment, then backs to get a running start. 

Henry watches in amusement as Edward believes he'll get the necklace without a ladder. Though, Edward runs to a shelf in the room, he jumps on the shelf, rebounds, then bounces off a pillar (or something) in a spot to hold the ceiling up and jumps back to the wall. Edward does this all the way to the ceiling and finally bounces off the wall and and grabs onto one of the beams on the ceiling. Edward climbs on top of it and walks to where the necklace is and picks it up.

Henry stares in complete amazement now, not understanding how Edward got up there with such ease. Edward looks down, knowing he's at least 20 feet up. In a quick thinking strategy, Edward puts a bit of the necklace between his lips to keep it secure enough to use his hands, then Edward walks off the edge but grabs the beam before he just falls to the floor. He uses his hands to move along to one of the pillars, then grabs that and sort of slides down it to the ground. Henry gets to Edward quickly.

"Edward that was the most incredible thing I've seen you do! Or anyone for that matter!"

Edward smiles. "Thanks Henry, but my question is, how much did you see?"

"All of it! From when you made the necklace disappear to now! And my hypothesis is that there's something different about you. But to be sure I'll need a blood sample."

"Um, alright. When will you have results?"

"By the end of today if I can get the blood now." Henry smiles, and Edward smiles more at Henry's excitement and nods in response. Henry rushes Edward out to his lab and prepares him to draw blood. "Now, you'll feel as if I just pinched you okay?"

"Okay." Edward replies, then he feels the pinch as the sharp needle is stuck in his arm and draws some blood. Once Henry removes the needle, he ties a cloth around where he stuck the needle so Edward doesn't lose more blood than needed. Henry takes the blood and places a bit on a slide, then places the slide under a microscope. After a few minutes, Henry notices something.

"Very interesting!" Henry says.

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