Chapter 16: Stride

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3rd person POV

Edward opens the door and the two walk in, then Edward asks Henry. "Did you get anything?"

"I did." Henry smiles to Edward as he places a jewel on the table, then goes off to get some water.

"Where'd you get this?" Edward asks curiously.

"Off a woman's dress. She was so busy watching you climb the building that she didn't feel a thing." Henry smiles as he fills a cup, then takes a drink of it.

"That's cool. Though I have a question for you brother, do you have a reversible potion?"

Henry remembers that he never made a potion to bring them back to their normal selves.

"I forgot about that.. don't worry, I can make us one now. All I need is the same potion, just not add the last bit that makes us look like this." Henry puts his cup down and goes to his lab, and Edward follows closely behind. Henry gathers the chemicals and a few measuring materials. He begins to mix them all together, then the potion is a red. "There. that'll do it." He hands a potion to Edward. "I don't know if this'll be painful or not."

"It's alright. We can't stay this way forever." Edward smiles to Henry, then drinks the potion, Henry follows a moment after.

The two feel similar pain than before, though it's a little less painful. They regain their former look 

"There." Henry says, "Now that we've regained the original look, we should get ready for bed, and future shows."

Edward nods in agreement, then the two go off to bed for the night.

TIme skip!

The two practice for many days. Practicing their tricks and shows. Edward gains a few magic tricks as well, and Henry learns quickly how to climb just as well as Edward. Sometimes at night, the boys will go and jump from rooftop to rooftop in to search the city, have fun, and soak in the moonlight. The two even planned their biggest show yet.
Henry helped much with the effects through his scientific knowledge, Edward helped as well, but mainly took care of Henry if he did something. Henry created smoke bombs for them and the two would test them out, Edward eventually became very used to the sight, and managed to find his way around without having to know where he was. Henry was able to use his quick reactions to do the same. Though, there was much trial and error. Henry hurt himself several times, but Edward would always make sure he kept up with his well-being.

Finally, the day had come for their biggest show yet. A big show required a place with a big audience, so the two went to a very busy part of town, but first, had their disguises. This time, Henry put a chemical in that would give them a few hours in the disguises.

They waited for a big crowd of people, then decided to do the intro.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!!! My twin brother and I bring you a magic show!"

There are a few gasps in the crowd as they all begin to form. The biggest crowd the two have ever seen. Edward begins to feel a little nervous, but Henry touches his shoulder, reminding him that everything will be okay. Edward smiles to Henry and continues.

"Our magic shows would stun even the best of modern magic minds!!"

The crowd grows until it stops, and they believe they probably have the best they can get with the occasional person floating in. So they begin. The two begin to do a few of their best acts. One of Edward's new acts is escaping locked chains inside a flaming coffin, in which he did, with a very small flame upon himself from when he opened it. The crowd cheered and whistled in excitement. A man walked up into the crowd near the front. Henry notices the man and growls under his breath.


Edward hears Henry's soft growl and understands.

"Our next act will need a volunteer." A few raise their hands a little, including Stride. So Edward looks to him. "How about you sir!" Edward smiles, and so does Henry.

Stride steps forward and Henry asks for an object. Stride gives Henry a pen.

"Ooo, this'll be interesting." Henry gives the pen to Edward.

"Alright, now, I will make this pen float, then suddenly disappear. After-such, Henry will find it, and go get it!"

Edward holds the pen in his hands, then moves them a little. He tosses the pen into the open, then moves his hands in a way, and the pen floats above the ground. The crowd gasps, Edward closes his eyes and moves his hands in a way that moves the pen a little, but it begins to disappear, until it's gone. Edward throws his hands in the air again, he opens his eyes a little tired. When Henry looks at him he knows that trick must've taken quite a bit of energy out of him. Though, now it was his turn. But by the look of where Edward's hands went, the pen is in the air. Henry looks up and notices a small black dot, falling from the sky. 
Henry swiftly climbs the tall building next to them, then jumps from it. The crowd gasps, and a few scream in fear for him. But Henry grabs the pen, then jumps onto a building, the successfully gets down. The crowd cheers excitedly and Henry returns the pen to Stride.

"That was quite impressive." Stride states.

"Thank you sir." Henry replies. He smiles at the man.

Stride looks a little unnerved by the smile, then he walks away. Henry and Edward greet a few more people, then they follow Stride, putting at least a block between them. They follow Stride for about 20 minutes before they're all alone, so when Stride walks into an alleyway, they yell for him.


Stride turns around swiftly to reveal the twins. "Where did you come from?!"

"Your nightmares!" Edward yells, Henry holds him back from hurting Stride, yet. "Perhaps you don't recognize us."

"Actually, I will say that you look a little familiar, but I can't put my finger on it."

"Then I'll help you. We are the twin boys of Mr. Jekyll." Henry says. The potion wears off suddenly and the two return to their former state. 

Stride has a look of shock and surprise, and even a little scared. "No.. it can't be!"

"It is. Henry recognizes you from the hospital during that pandemic."

Stride tries to figure how this could be possible. When he pulls himself out of his thoughts he turns around and runs. The twins just stand there, once Stride turns the corner they jump on the rooftops, and begins following him that way. Eventually, Stride can't see them anymore an believes they've fallen behind.

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