Sunday Brunch

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Grayson and I met in highschool at a party. Some kid from his school threw it and invited everyone and anyone. Jeanette had been dating a guy from there and he invited her to go so she dragged me along.

Turned out the guy already had a girlfriend. They got into it but I stayed in my lane and let Jeanette deal with it until he crowded her using his size to intimidate her.

I was in his face in two seconds, not a good idea when you're alone at a party where you only know the girl who is currently the reason you stepped up to the guy in the first place. Two of his friends flanked him and I knew it was gonna be an unfair fight but I would go down swinging.

Before things escalated, Grayson was at my side. We were still at a disadvantage but we held our own. The cops were called and everyone scrambled to get away. Grayson led Jeanette and I a few houses down to his own and got a couple ice packs for my swollen knuckles and his busted lip.

When I asked why he helped me his answer was, "You were protecting your friend and he was being a grade A dick, I couldn't just sit back and watch. Besides, I can't stand that guy. Any enemy of his is a friend of mine."

No one had ever had my back like that, without even knowing me. We've been friends ever since. He's like a brother to me.

A brother I'm currently trying to talk myself out of killing as we all sit around the dining table eating brunch.

"Surfing is awesome, I can't believe you've lived here all your life and haven't surfed," he tells Hayley as he watches her take a bite of sausage and egg casserole.

She covers her mouth while she chews, then smiles at him, "I'm not really a fan of the ocean. I don't mind hanging on the shore line, but once I can't feel the sand beneath my feet I freak out imagining what might be swimming beneath me."

The way her nose scrunches at the thought is adorable. I find myself hiding a smile as I take a drink of my orange juice.

It's immediately wiped off my face when Grayson offers, "I'd be happy to teach you sometime and I promise to protect you from the ocean critters."

Yeah, he's a dead man.

I've been struggling just seeing her sitting between Grayson and Slater. The thought of her alone at the beach with Grayson's hands all over 'teaching' her to surf has me ready to jump the table, throw her over my shoulder, and take off.

A hand on my arm tears me from my silent intentions. "You ok?" Jeanette asks. She takes my hand in hers on the table and I can feel the burn of Hayley's eyes on us. I risk a glance her way and catch a glimpse of both anger and hurt before Grayson regains her attention.

I want to rip my hand away and tell Jeanette not to touch me, but I can't do that right now. It would hurt and embarrass her. She doesn't deserve that. I'm still not sure what to even do about this shit storm I created, but the one thing I am sure about after talking with Hayley is that I want her more than I've wanted anything in my life.

I just don't know how to make that happen.

"Maybe we could go tomorrow when you finish school. I have an extra board you could use," Grayson suggests.

Before she can reply, an answer is given from the head of the table, "Hayley can't. She'll be working every day after school at J & T Construction and I'm sure you'll be busy at the shop. Greg and Jeremy will have a lot for you to get done," Alpha Hanes says. I have to hide a chuckle when I hear him mutter quietly, "I'll make sure of it," causing Hayley's mom to roll her eyes.

Not expecting our Alpha to have been paying attention to his conversation with Hayley, Grayson stammers, "Ah, right. Yeah. There will probably be a lot for me to do tomorrow." Never one to give up on something he really wants, Grayson tries again, "Maybe this weekend if you aren't doing anything."

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