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"Maybe you should sit down for this," I suggest to Jeanette while she remains standing in the kitchen doorway.

She shakes her head in disagreement, "No, I'm fine right here. What's going on, Phoenix? You've never hidden anything from me before. Why are you doing it now?"

I rub the back of my neck nervously, "I'm not hiding anything from you, Jeanie. I was just trying to work this all out in my head before I filled you in. I was planning on talking with you tonight."

She looks at me, clearly upset and a little angry, "Were you, or did Eric's slip up just force you into it?"

I understand her anger, she has every right to be. It doesn't mean seeing that anger directed at me is easy to take. "You know me Jeanette, I've never lied to you."

She snorts, actually snorts before saying,"Doesn't mean you weren't about to start." She takes the universal female stance for 'pissed off', crossing her arms and tapping her foot irritably.

Realizing I'm entering the danger zone, I move toward her and gently place my hands on her shoulders, surprised when she lets me. "I promise you I had every intention of talking to you tonight once I got upstairs."

Not budging one inch, she looks me straight in the eyes, "Then start talking."

I take a few steps back, deciding distance is better for this conversation, and lean against the counter. "I've found my mate."


Giving her a look I ask, "Are you going to let me talk, or interrupt me after every word?"

She graces me with another irritated look before motioning that I go on.

"It was at the bonfire the other night. Our eyes met and our wolves recognized each other instantly."

Jeanette flinches a little at my admission, and some of the anger she had is replaced with hurt. I hate that here I am once again hurting someone, but I can't find it in me to regret it because I know there is no hurt that matters more than that of my mate now.

"I didn't mean for it to happen, Jeanette. You know I basically gave up on ever finding her. I never would have marked you if I knew for a fact I'd find her," I say, trying to ease the pain I've caused but realize by her expression I'm not succeeding.

Her hands drop to her sides, "I told you this might happen Phoenix! I warned you not to give up on her but you insisted we go through with the marking!"

Now I feel myself getting angry. "Don't you think I know that Jeanette? But what was I supposed to do? My best friend was in danger. I did the only thing I could think of at the time to keep you safe."

She stills, "Are you blaming me for this now?"

"What? No! I'm just trying to make you see that I did what I thought was best," I say in an attempt to reason with her.

"Well, I guess you can see now that it wasn't."

I can't help but flinch at her comment but remain quiet, letting her anger have an outlet. Even if that outlet is me.

We're both quiet for a couple minutes before she speaks again. She moves forward as if wanting to comfort me but stops at my weary look. Redirecting her steps, she takes the seat I offered her earlier. "I'm sorry Phoenix. I don't mean to attack or blame you. I'm just scared."

Leaving my spot by the counter, I take a seat in the chair directly across from her and cover her hand with mine. My wolf doesn't reject it, knowing there is no romantic intention on my part. Only the desire to comfort my oldest friend. "I know Jeanie, I promise you I will still do everything I can to protect you from Calvin."

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