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Starting any new job is nerve wracking. There's a whole new group of coworkers to get to know. Adjusting to a new work environment, and of course a new boss and his expectations to feel out.

I face all of that plus the anxiety of knowing my bosses are my mates father and uncle, and said mate will be in this new work environment. It raises my agitated nerves to a thousand!

Despite that, as far as first days go today has been good. We were given a run down of the company and jobs currently going on. We visited the site where the new homes were being built which is where most of our work days will be spent. It's early afternoon by the time we return to J & T Construction.

Trevor and Jared are showing Eric and I the warehouse that stores some supplies and tools when the rumble of an engine approaches. We turn as a group to watch a gray jeep make it's way up toward the building. My heart skips a beat as I watch Hayley exit the vehicle.

She's dressed in skin tight denim jeans and a black off the shoulder top. Her hair is piled atop her head in a messy bun. She's beautiful in an understated way. 

Why the hell I'm waxing poetic is beyond me and if the guys were able to hear my thoughts right now they'd probably nut punch me just to see if I still had a pair. I can't help it, Hayley makes me feel and act differently than I'm used to. She softens the hardened parts of me. As she bends to reach through the passenger window for her bag, I'm reminded there's one part of me she constantly hardens.

Stepping behind the work table we're standing at, I discreetly adjust myself as I watch her wave Sam off and approach us. Her step falters a bit as she notices me amongst her father and uncle but she recovers quickly and continues toward our group.

"Hi dad, uncle J," she greets kissing each of them on their cheeks. She then nods to Eric and myself, "Hi guys."

I'm not gonna lie, I wish I was a kiss recipient but we're nowhere near that phase of our relationship yet. I'm hopeful that will change, as soon as I can begin a relationship with her that is.

Eric and I both return her greeting as Trevor asks, "Hails, how was your first day?"

She shrugs her shoulders, "Like any other I guess. Just a little strange, it being our last and all."

A short, stocky man approaches with a clip board in hand. "Hey Jared, got the new shipment for you to sign off on." As Jared takes the offered clip board, the mans attention is directed to Hayley. "Hi Hayley! Have a good first day?"

There's a slight tension in her body that only someone so attuned to her every move like I am would notice, I feel myself tense. If this man did anything to make her uncomfortable I am more than willing to make him pay. She smiles politely at him easing my worry, whatever problem she has with him I don't think he's the cause.

"Mr. Burns, it was good. Thanks for asking."

The man smiles in return, "I just got off the phone with Mikayla. She was complaining about all the work she was given. Did you have the same problem?"

It's small but I notice a slight grimace on her face before she responds, "Um, no. Thankfully I took care of most of my credits the past three years so my senior year is pretty light."

"That was smart, if only my daughter thought ahead like you she wouldn't be grumbling on the first day," he says with an audible sigh that has Hayley smiling bigger.

Trevor pipes in, "That's my Hails. Smart like her pops."

Hayley rolls her eyes playfully, "I doubt mom would agree." Trevor grabs her in a headlock that has her laughing. He kisses her forehead before releasing her.

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