Chapter 1 Escape Plan

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Rayna Bradley is a 27-year-old from a small town in Virginia. She owns her own choreography dance studio in California. One night at a college party, one of her friends decided to video. One of the many dance routines made up for her and her friends. It went viral!

After the first went viral others were posted and went viral as well. A couple years later she had her associate degree in business and got hired on with a studio that worked with celebrities. Working there, lead to owning her own studio.

It took lots of hard work, and up until a month ago she wouldn't have changed a thing.

"I've decided to take a leave of absence. It's just too much right now. This last 4 weeks have been a nightmare. I have got to get away for a while." Rayna told Mrs. Walker.

Mrs. Walker looked at her and said, "You can count on me. I've been with you 5 years now. I think I have a good idea how you run everything.

"I know you do. That's why I'm not worried leaving now." Rayna replied.

Mrs. Walker asked how long. Rayna told her probably 2 or 3 months. She wanted just enough time to give this mess time to blow over. She was thankful most of the clients weren't upset.

"Honey they are used to it. Honestly, I think it only bothered you. You're the private one. They've all been living with the invasion of privacy their whole famed lives." Mrs. Walker said.

"Maybe, but I take great pride in keeping everything confidential and out of the public eye. I even made my business name as initials and use a lock box service so no one will know the address of the studio. Thankfully one of my best friends works there and brings my mail to me." Rayna explained.

"Now however that was all in vain. The public now knows where my studio is, who I am and what I do. I had to hire security and update the security systems at my condo and studio, all thanks to him! This last month I've had to change my whole lifestyle." She replied.

"I can't go anywhere in public, and now my clients must go through extra security before even being able to enter the building. I don't even want to mention the schedules and meetings." She continued.

"It will all blow over. You're just what's hot now, just what's new and talked about now. You'll see, soon as the next big story comes along, you'll be forgotten." Mrs. Walker replied.

"I know, and I have no one to blame but myself. I broke my number one rule. I dated a client. And a celebrity one at that. This is all on me, my poor judgement. I trusted him and he betrayed me." Rayna sighed.

"Nonsense! This is all on him, he knew the rules, you were very adamant about the privacy from day one. He knew how much your privacy meant to you. And it was his choice to betray your trust and do this to you." Mrs. Walker said.

Mrs. Walker was like a second mom to Rayna. Even though she was only 10 years her senior and not nearly old enough, she still felt as though she was a mom figure.

"It's time for my employee meeting. Time to fill in my employees of the upcoming changes." Rayna replied.

They were all waiting in the studio for her. Once she got to the studio, she saw some look scared, some worried, and others looked nervous. She was guessing they weren't sure what was going to happen, if she was closing doors or what.

"I'll make this quick. I am not closing the studio, and none of you are losing your jobs. We'll have to continue the security, which I know is a pain, but necessary. I'm taking a leave of absence." Rayna explained.

"Mrs. Walker is in charge while I am gone. Maddi will take over the choreography clients. Gabrielle and Caleb will take over the dance studio. The rest of you will be business as usual." She continued.

"Only difference is you won't report to me, but to these four I mentioned. If any of you have questions, please stay and talk to me now. Otherwise, you are dismissed from the meeting." Rayna replied.

Everyone leaves the studio, except Maddi, Gabbi, Caleb, and Mrs. Walker.

"Hey sis, I got this, don't worry! You go chill and enjoy your vacation!" Maddi replies.

"Yeah sis, you know I got the dance moves taken care of, the moves that make all the chicks come back for more! Me and Gabbi got this." Caleb said.

"Maddi, I know you're ready to take over. Caleb just be sure to keep it in your pants Romeo. Or you'll be dealing with me, vacation or not" Rayna replied.

Maddi smirks and rolls her eyes at Caleb her twin brother. Caleb ignores her completely.

"Hey complete professional here, sheesh!" Caleb says.

Her twin brother and sister were only 2 years younger than her. However, she always had been the responsible one, the one to take care of them after their parents died in a car crash. They were only 16 when it happened, and she was 18.

"Girl, you are long overdue a little R & R. Enjoy yourself and forget all this craziness. It'll all blow over soon. And when it does, you'll be ready to burn up the dance floor!" Gabbi told her.

"I'll try, but I can't help thinking I'm running away like a coward." Rayna sighed.

Rayna always faced her rears and troubles. However, this time was different. This time she felt the need for space and quiet alone time.

"Oh, bull snot! You need a break and a reset. The past 9 years I've seen you work your tail off. And I've never seen you take time off. You are so long overdue!" Gabbi replied.

Gabbi was her best friend since the first day of college. She was her roommate and they had bonded instantly. Her love of dancing was almost as great as Rayna's. Their only differences were that Gabbi loved to teach while Rayna loved to create the routines.

For her it was the excitement of putting the dance moves together to fit what the lyrics were saying, to help others feel what the lyrics were trying to say. They allow the music to move your body and feel the excitement.

"Now in saying that, keep your eyes open for any hunks that can help you forget he who's name shall never be mentioned!" Gabbi snorts.

"Absolutely no way in hades! I am never trusting the opposite sex ever again!" Rayna retorted.

Gabbi replied, "Ha ha, never say never! Life and love always find a way. Especially when you aren't looking for it. Especially when you don't want it."

Rayna rolled her eyes, "Yep, Not happening!"

She decided to leave on Sunday morning. Sunday mornings she knew traffic was lighter. She was hoping the traffic during the 6-hour drive would be easier.

The resort is in the same state, just far enough away that no one would know her there and she'd get much needed peace and quiet.

"I don't know why you want to drive that far. A plane would be a lot easier. And it's not like you can't afford it. I hear the resort is to die for, so don't forget to send me pictures and updates of everything!" Gabbi replied.

"I know, pictures and details. I'm glad my client was able to pull strings for me to stay. It's only for celebrities and the very rich and famous. Which makes it perfect for me. Complete privacy, what I am looking for. No paparazzi, no reporters, and no "him." Rayna replied.

"He's got some nerve still trying to contact you. After what he did, he should be in hiding, not you! Give me his number, I want to talk sweet nothings in his ear!" Gabbi said sarcastically.

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