{50 Alone in a meeting (Yoongi POV)

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{50 Alone in a meeting

Yoongi POV

It's already been a few days since I came back from Japan and I Still Haven't seen Y/N, she keeps saying she's too busy. I know something is going that she isn't telling me. She's always been busy with University, but she always made time for me. What had changed since I had been to Japan? Had I done something wrong? Maybe it's unfair of me to be disappointed because usually I'm the busy one and I too told quite a few times I was busy. It hasn't even been that long just a few days but it's not like her to act like this. I miss her but more than I'm worried about her and wonder what it is she is not telling me. It would be unfair to pry because I haven't told her everything either and doesn't ask questions. She patiently waits until I'm ready to share everything from my past with her. I can't do the opposite, forcing her to tell me everything when I'm not even doing it myself.

"Yoongi?" Jungkook waved a hand in front of my face bringing me back to reality, "The manager said we're done for today and we can go home."

I stared at him confused for a moment before realizing where I was and what we had been doing. We had been in a meeting about the schedule for the next weeks I hadn't been paying attention at all.

"We can go home? " We rarely get off work early I must have missed something important. I looked at Jungkook dumbfounded wondering what else I had missed.

"Yeah, because the rest of the week is packed we can go home early today," Jungkook smiles brightly, "We're going out for drinks with Taehyung, Jimin, and their friends, do you want to join?"

"No thank you," I slowly shook my head, knowing going out with Jimin and Taehyung would be almost like attending a party. Busy, with many people even though Taehyung doesn't drink he can act drunk with drinking soda just fine. It would be a great distraction I just wasn't feeling it. "I think I will just stay here and do some work in the studio."

"You're no fun," Jungkook pouted and crossed his arms, "You're just sitting here with your mind in the gutter, you should go out and have some fun!"

"My mind is not in the gutter!" I spun around in my chair and glared at Jungkook who rolled his eyes.

"All you've been thinking about lately is Y/N," Jungkook grinned teasingly, "I would have never guessed you of all people would be so whipped."

"I'm not whipped," I glared at Jungkook, was I whipped? I would do anything for her but that didn't mean I was whipped right?

"Oh, come on," Jungkook pointed to my phone on the table, "You've been glued to that thing the moment you got her number. You are totally and madly in love."

Jungkook teasingly started throwing finger hearts at me while winking. I glared at Jungkook and grabbed the pillow from the chair next to me and started whacking him with it.

"JUNGKOOK!!" Seokjin yelled from the doorway, "Stop teasing Yoongi! I bet if you met your soulmate you would be ten times worse!!"

Jungkook covered his head with his arms protecting himself from the pillow, but soon turned around and made run for it. He rushed past Seokjin, I was too lazy to run after him and just let him be. I sighed and put the pillow back in his place.

''What's going Yoongi?'' Seokjin was still standing in the doorway with his arms crossed.

''Nothing is going on,'' It was an obvious lie but I didn't want to talk about it, I didn't even really knew what was going on so what was there tell? I shrugged and tried to brush it off as if there was nothing, but when I tried to leave to avoid more questions Seokjin grabbed my arm stopping me from leaving.

''Come on Yoongi, '' Seokjin looked into my eyes, my tired eyes. His worried expression didn't surprise me, neither did his questioning I just didn't know what to tell him, ''I bet you can't recall a word that has been said during this meeting, your head is somewhere else. Did something happen?''

''No,'' I pulled my arm from his grip and stared back at him, it wasn't a lie. Nothing had happened that was the whole point, I had no idea what is going on with her. Seokjin didn't say anything and just looked at me with the same expression, I sighed, ''Fine, it seems Y/N doesn't want to see me and I don't know why. She says she's busy, but I have the idea there's something more going on that she is not telling me and I'm worried.''

''You're soulmates, '' Seokjin shrugged as if what I was saying didn't worry him in the slightest, ''You even feel all of her emotions if something serious was going you would know right? I don't think you should worry so much about it.''

''Maybe I shouldn't,'' I scrunched up my face and glared at him, of course, he wouldn't understand he still had this fairytale idea about soulmates. He believed that after you lay eyes on your soulmate something magical happened and all your sadness would just disappear, but it just doesn't work like that. If anything it just had made everything more complicated. Not that I'm unhappy or that she isn't amazing, but the real world isn't some fairytale our connection isn't magical. I still felt the same as before, meeting her hadn't changed me. Neither had magically got rid of all my troubles.

Seokjin didn't say anything else when I turned around and walked off. He must have sensed I wasn't in the mood to talk, was I ever? I retreated to my studio and turned on my computer to work on songs. I wanted nothing else than to get lost in my work and even just for a second forget about her and all my worries.


Another Yoongi POV, a little bit more was supposed to be happening in this chapter but I was already over a thousand words and out of time and this seemed like a good place to pick it up again so to be continued in the next chapter!

Random character fact:

Jieun's favorite piece of jewelry is a pocket watch she got from her grandma years ago before her grand had passed away it was her gift to Jieun. She and her grandma had always been close and her death had devastated her, therefore the pocket watch is very important to her because it keeps all the memories she has of her. 

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