{57 Interrogation

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{57 Interrogation

Your POV

You nervously pace back and forth sipping from the glass of wine you shouldn't be drinking. It was a bad idea to drink to get rid of the nerves and emotions but you needed something it was just too much to bear. It wasn't just your emotions but his too.

During the tour through BigHit, she had brought you to the floor where all the employees worked and then it happened his heartbeat found yours. You knew if you felt his he felt yours too and just moment later he was there, staring at you with a shocked expression you tried to keep your calm. No one even knew the two of you had met before let alone be soulmates you pretended to meet him for the first time. You thought it was convincing enough no one had asked any further question and Yoongi had left. Though, soon after he left you felt how your phone in your pocket went crazy, buzzing over and over again. You knew who those messages were from, would he be mad? Disappointed?

When you were in the elevator after the tour with the head editor you immediately grabbed your phone and anxiously read his messages.

Yoongi: What are you doing here?

Yoongi: Why did the head editor introduce you as an intern?

Yoongi: Are you an intern?

Yoongi: How?

Yoongi: Was this what you were busy with?

Yoongi: Why didn't you tell me?

Yoongi: Why did you lie to me?

Yoongi: Do you know how dangerous this is? They can't find out!

Yoongi: You didn't tell them right?

Yoongi: Y/N, Please respond, I'm not angry I'm just really confused.

Yoongi: Y/N? Please...

Was he not angry? He did sound kind of angry, this was driving you insane. Though You would probably find out anyway how he felt the moment you were far enough away and his emotions would rush over you. You weren't going to discuss this over text.

You: Can you come over tonight? I'll explain everything.

His response came in just seconds, he must have been anxiously waiting for your response.

Yoongi: I'll be at your apartment at 6 pm.

Now it's almost 6 pm and you are incredibly nervous he could be here at any time. You had been right the further you had gotten from the building the stronger his emotion had gotten. The anger, betrayal, confusion, sadness, fear, nerves, everything. It had made you feel incredibly bad and you hadn't been able to do anything else then go over the conversation you were about to have over and over in your head. Practicing the words and sentences over and over again, it drove you insane. You had opened a bottle of wine, it was stupid but you hoped the alcohol would at least calm you a little. You were wrong it didn't help a bit. At exactly 6 pm his heartbeat entered your chest and right of the bet it was fast, faster than usual. Not that yours was any better. This time his heartbeat didn't have a calming effect on you more like the opposite. Before he had even the chance to ring the door you had pressed the button to open the door en waited impatiently for him at the front door of your apartment. It felt awkward seeing him after the confrontation at BigHit, he didn't give you a hug like usual. He just walked into your house and crossed his arms waiting for your explanation.

''Yoongi,'' You softly said, ''Please don't be angry, listen to me first, okay.''

He only nodded, it felt so awkward but you started explaining anyway. You start with the moment you found the application, you hadn't even been planning on applying. It was just something you had wanted to use for the assignment, but it didn't leave your mind and after telling your friends they had encouraged you to apply. You never had expected to get accepted anyway, why would they hire an inexperienced person without a degree? The opportunity, however, was too good to let it pass by it described your exact dream job and your friends were right if you wouldn't have sent in your application you would always have wondered what if. You thought that by getting a rejection at least you had the closure and the experience only the rejection never came.

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