Part 10

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There he was in front of me. My ex-husband. The reason I can't be broken, because he already broke me. He just tried to convince my boys I was insane. He nearly had me convinced when we were married, until others saw his verbal abuse. When I had validation from them, I divorced his ass. Now, now he is going t ok pay for what he did, and then die. I gave him a chance to leave.

"Its all done Momma." Beauty walked over with a duffel bag and a chair. I smiled at him, and kissed his cheek, while taking the stuff. "Can I please have two prospects?" I asked sweetly. "Wait! Vice was still here doing paperwork." Scar growled, dragging Vice with him. I narrowed my eyes. Paperwork my ass. "Scar, and whoever else it takes. Hold him. He should watch this. Vice, I will tell you now. You ever betray me or my boys, and anything your brain can come up with won't be half as bad as what I will do to you." I promised him. "What can you do? Besides have the club kill or torture me?" Vice spat. I was impressed, but he also gave away his fear. Beauty snickered. "Prospects, please tie my ex-husband to the chair."

Beauty and I had spread out a tarp, and my ex-husband was placed in the center of it, tied to a chair. "I told you three times to leave. You denied my kindness three times. Now, everyone gets to see what I do to people who hurt me, and my family." I giggled, letting my psychotic free. "I am insane, but guess what! You broke me. It was you who made me who I am. Well, I mean other helped, but if it wasn't for you I would probably be some submissive slut. Or I would still be married to you, convinced your abuse was in my head." I straddled him.

"Now, it's time to have fun. You are a big strong Army guy. Aren't you?" I cooed. He narrowed his eyes. I took his glasses off and snapped them. "Sorry, only Jones' glasses turn me on." I shrugged, and tossed them over my shoulder. I pulled knife from the duffel bag. I cut open his pants, and shirt. He tried to jerk away from me. "Awe, I can't nail his feet to the floor, without getting blood in my brand new carpet. Boys, someone hold him steady. Cuts off, there will be blood." I said innocently. "Momma? Do you need a different outfit?" Reno asked, and I looked. I was wearing my club outfit. "Can I have a tee from one of you?" I started unzipping my boots. Beauty handed my his tee, and stepped in to hold my ex. I smiled, and nodded to him. Taking off my boots, I then took off my club tee, and put on Beauty's. I took off my shorts. I made a pile of clothes, and I was barefoot. The room was silent enough to hear a pin drop. "Ready, baby?" I asked Riley. He just glared at me. "You are too much of a coward to really hurt me. First sign of you legitimately hurting me, and you will slink away. This is a show for all of these guys." He hissed, and I rolled my eyes. Fine, he thinks I will slink away, and I'm afraid of hurting people, I'll show him.

I began to cut his arms, shallow cuts. I made it look hesitant, tentative. I wanted him to believe I was unsure. I finally went a deep, and he hisses on pain, and I took my que. I jumped back, and looked upset. I shrunk in on myself, and playing with the body of Beauty's shirt. "See. Told you." He gloated, and I started laughing. I doubled over. "God. You are so dense. Sweetheart, you ain't the first man I have tortured. You won't be the first man I kill, and you won't be the last either. I licked his bloody arm, and looked through the duffel bag. Beauty had brought me my needles and sand! "Beauty! Thank you!" I cries out and he chuckled.

I had been torturing Riley for a couple hours. He was sweating, crying, wet himself, and some of the boys couldn't watch. "Snake is here!" Someone cried out. They all knew Snake would be pissed me torturing someone. "Beauty take over. Hog hold me, and make it look like you are forcing me to watch. You are all going to see me cry." I took a deep breath, and quickly put on my clothes. Laid Beauty's shirt out. I put myself in Hog's arms, and thought about the one thing that always makes me cry, Cole. My husband who died. He was an angel on earth, much to good for me. I felt the tears pool, and start to flow. I needed fear though. I thought about what he would say if he could see me now. He would never speak to me again. I was terrified of who I am now, is someone he would hate. I hope he would understand, but I don't think he would.

Snake came in, and Beauty punched Riley once and knocked him out. Snake looked at me, and looked surprised. "What's this?" He grunted. "Found him trying to get info out of Momma. Made her watch what happens to rats." Beauty pulled his gun, and put a bullet in Riley's head. I gasped, and let the tears come harder. I was crying because I wanted to kill him! "See the bitch can cry." He snorted, then walked away. "You okay, Momma?" Hog whispered. I turned to face him, and cupped his cheek. "Hog. I was serious when I said he ain't my first torture, he wouldn't have been my first kill either." I whispered back. "No, but he was the first that you knew him before hand. That messes with us." I mulled over his words. "I just feel relief. He was so brutal to me. Every single night he raped me. Every single day he told me that i had enjoyed it, and something must be wrong with me. He hit me, locked me away from friends and family. He could see anyone he wanted, have his buddies over to stay the night, but if I did. There was hell to pay. That was just cathartic for me." Hog pulled me to his chest, and hugged me.

"So, Vice. Did you learn anything tonight?" Vice was on his knees in front of me, with Reno holding him there. He nodded. "You run the show. They will do anything for you, including lie, steal, cheat, torture, and kill. They will also cover your tracks absolutely." He had his head bowed, but lifted it and looked directly in my eyes. "I want in." He said with determination. I smirked. "Prove you are worth it."

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