Part 16

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I watched him make that stupid video, including editing it. He killed Kitten, while i was down on her. She had lost her usefulness. He brought in a woman who was hollow. She wasn't really there. She looked almost exactly like me. He brought her in today. "It took months for her to heal, but she is now your doppelganger. Hopefully, Fallen Angels will be stuck trying to fix her, or you, and will stop the man hunt for me. That is the whole point of going out tonight. I spat in his face. I still hadn't made a sound, and after he killed Kitten, I stopped having orgasms. I am beat extra for it, but oh well. "Also, my girl, will be sending me messages about things. So now, I don't need your outdated information." He smiled, and kissed me. I bit his tongue, when it slipped into my mouth. I was slapped to the ground for that. He straightened his tux, and held his arm out, for Carbon, my copy. She took it, with a blank look on her face. He was feeding me again. He said trying to give me nutrients via IV was becoming problematic. I was on a hamburger meat diet, since of my allergies. A few of my guards who sneak me chicken, turkey, or steak. That was something else. I had a guard 24/7. Ryan wants to get me pregnant, so walking, exercise, eating regularly, can't happen when you are tied up, and being tortured. I am only allowed one of his button downs, so the guards don't see what is his. 

With him gone tonight, it is only my guard Philip, and a couple maids. Which the maids leave after dinner. Philip loves to fuck with me. He will shove me into a wall, and finger me. Then when Ryan starts to round a corner, Philip makes it seem like I am trying to jump him. I get punished, and he gets to keep it up. Tonight, I am going to let him fuck me. I will even ride him, and make all the little sounds he wants me to make. All so I can rip out his throat with my teeth. Philip is walking to my room, after dinner. He shoves me into the wall. "Ryan isn't here to night, and that sweet little cunt is all mine." His hand slides straight to my core, and a gasp. "Mmm, someone is responsive tonight." He moans into my ear, grinding his erection into me. I suck in a breath. He picks me up straddling him, and kisses me. I kiss him back with fervor. He moans into my mouth, and I pull his dingy blonde hair. "I have been waiting so long for this!" He cries, his boring grey eyes bore into mine. He grinds his erection into my core, and I moan out. "Fuck, Yes!" He cries. I am grinding against him, kissing him with passion. He sits on the bed, and I lean him back, so that he is laying down. We are dry humping each other, and I am moaning out. I kissed down his neck, and bite into his neck as hard as I can. I feel his blood gushing, and his grip that was deathly tight, now slowly releases me. I lick my lips, missing tasting of blood, and doing my own torture. 

I run to the garage, and find the sport bike. I grab the key fob for it, and wish I had pants and boots. Starting up the bike, I fumble with getting it going. I finally have it going and race away. I have no idea where I was being held in correlation to the clubhouse or even my bar. I have to stop them from taking Carbon. I race down the street, towards the city. It takes me fifteen minutes to figure out where I am, and when I do, I am another fifteen from the clubhouse. I ditch the bike a couple blocks away from the clubhouse. I know he could track it, and make my way through the shadows, to get to my boys. I am going to tell Scar, Reno, Jones, and Beauty they can all have me, or whatever. Just as long as I have the club as my family, and my clubs back. I get to the clubhouse, and it seems filthy, of course no one kept up cleaning when I was gone for six months. Looking in the window, there she was cowering and looking terrified, but also just standing there. Reno reached out to touch her, and she flinched, but didn't move otherwise. The look on his face, was devastated.  Beauty got down on his knees. "Little Momma, I am so sorry it took us this long. We will do everything to make it right." I was a little shocked, My men were bowing to Carbon, and promising her to fix her. The don't understand that I was broken when they met me, how can I break more? She didn't acknowledge them, and respond. They showed her to my room, which hadn't been touched! My eyebrows rose, and I was utterly shocked. "We left it just how it should be. We couldn't stand to change it." Jones offered a small smile, and a warm gesture. I wanted to leap into his arms, and hold him. She shied away from him, like he had a disease. I want to throttle her. They leave her alone, and she pulls out a small phone from her cleavage. She types a message, and the hides the phone. 

When I finally think she is asleep. I open the window, and climb in. I grab my hidden knife, a press the blade to her throat. Before I could do another thing, she screamed blood murder, and her eyes flew open. I pulled her on top of me, and held the blade to her throat, and my other hand covered her mouth. "Little Momma are you ok-" Beauty stopped, and his features grew hard. There is two of them!" He boomed in a voice that made me want to drool. "What do you mean there is two of, oh!" Jones pops around the corner, Reno and Scar behind them. Demon is the last to walk in the room. "Let her go, and we will figure this out." Demon spoke coldly. I shook my head. "Let her go or I will put a bullet in you." Beauty was in enforcer mode. He thought he was protecting me. His gun was drawn, and aimed between my eyes. I softened my face, and nodded giving him a reassuring smile. I trusted them to see the difference between us, but I was let down. Beauty grabbed me by the hair, and yanked me to the floor. "He made a look-a-like!" Demon cried out. I fought against, Beauty, but didn't want to hurt him. "I'm throwing the impostor in a cell. She tried to kill my Ole Lady!" Beauty hissed, and I felt my tears well up. Jones was holding Carbon, and rocking her slowly. Reno had his hand on his gun, and Scar was giving me a look that made me want to die. 

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