Chapter 13 - Black Bison

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Morning shined through the curtains of a familiar location, Savitar's eyes slightly opened as he saw the slight glimpse of Caitlin, cuddling closely into him, their bodies stripped of all clothing and a beaming smile on her pink rosey lips. Savitar in his dazed state widened his eyes in shock before breathing steadily, caressing her knuckles lightly as he watched her sleep, Savitar couldn't believe his luck, he's managed to not only get a better life for himself, he's managed to also get the woman he's always wanted, something still felt off he just couldn't put his finger on it. Just then Caitlin slowly opened up her eyes, looking back up at him with a gentle smile "hey" she answered so softly and sweetly that could melt even Savitar's cold heart "hey. How'd you sleep?" He asked gently, caressing her bare hip softly as she sighs in ecstasy "how'd you think I slept?" She asked him with a big grin, Savitar knew this was good "well I don't know about you but I don't think I'll have any problems sleeping now." He told her as they both smiled at each other, just listening to each other and experiencing their happiness and love for one another. "Ok. I don't think we tell them just yet, I don't think they'll be ready" Savitar told her gently as Caitlin nodded "agreed, but in the meantime-" she straddled and kissed him passionately, just then her alarm went off. They both groaned as they didn't want it to end but eventually she got off and left to get changed, Savitar got up and sped around, getting dressed in a couple of seconds. He decided to look around her room and have a good look at everything. Just then he found an old photo, it was taken when it was just him, Cait and Cisco. Those were days  that he knew he was never going to get back. He placed down the picture back where it laid and at that moment Caitlin walked back in, wearing some of her usual casual yet, formal looking outfits and held out her hand, ready for him to take her to Star Labs and just then, he sped them both to the corridor and quickly let go as they started walking up to the cortex, hearing the bickering from everyone about Devoe not realising that either of them had big grins on their faces. They wished no one saw but unfortunately Cisco did "what are you two so happy about? And where even were you, we've been wanting your help to find this Devoe" he asked them as he looked like he was about to pass out at any second "I got preoccupied with Frost wanting a time out." She told them as Savitar rubbed the back of his neck "yea, she wanted me to show her a night out and I did." No one in the room believed them but just ignored them "anyways because we're getting nowhere I'll just call my friends" Harry told them and this made everyone, including Savitar shocked "did he just say friends...hey Harry all your friends are in this room" Cisco said loudly as everyone was now looking at Harry "you told me to go and make friends, that's a task...I complete tasks. I'll go and call them" he explained as he walked away. Barry and Ralph tried to figure out who else was on the bus and that's when Caitlin brought up the idea of a hypnotist "a hypnotist? You actually believe that crap?" He asked before winking up at her without no one seeing, telling her to go on along with it so they don't bring anymore attention to themselves. "I think it's a great idea." She told him sternly as Barry asked if anyone knew any hypnotists. "Ok...who's gonna hypnotize Ralph?..." Cisco asked groggily. Just then Barry sped out the cortex with Ralph not informing anyone of where he was going.

The next day there was a murder that had happened by unbelievable circumstances, a statue of a panther. "So this stone sample shows absolutely no unique attributes of any kind, totally normal granite statue...except its filled with traces of the dark matter on a molecular level as if it's been flooded with it." Caitlin told them all as she brought up a screen showing the dark matter within the sample. "So another bus meta" Iris told them bluntly "one that apparently brings inanimate objects to life and uses then to can this possibly be..possible?" Barry asked gently. "My best guess? This meta had the ability to leave a psychic imprint on objects, a sort of telekinetic puppeteering through a subconscious link" Caitlin told them as Savitar began to walk into the cortex without them noticing him "that's really smart..thirty-four, twenty-five, thirty-four" Ralph blurted out as everyone's mouth fell open "did he just give my.." Caitlin was cut off by Savitar  "no ignore him" he said coldly as he came up beside Ralph, smacking him upside the head and walking in front of  the desk. Ralph glared at him as just then Joe came in with the victims name and Iris had found the item that was split into three separate pieces and was being transferred. Barry and Ralph were going to pay a private collector a visit.

As Barry and Ralph were out, Cisco had taken Savitar aside into his lab, and to his surprise on the mannequin was what seemed to be Barry's old suit but the colour was a midnight black as he saw his gauntlets were fitted onto the suit, and finally the mask seemed to pull back and retract to reveal the persons face. "Its only a prototype while I work more on a defensive replacement but for the meantime this will just have to do. How'd you like it?" Cisco asked him as Savitar fell silent for a whole minute before using his speed to put it on, his lightning sparked out from his suit hitting every electrical appliance in the lab, the once gold streams that trailed down the suit were now filled by his lightning filling them up. "It will do the job" he told him with a smirk beneath his mask.

As the days rolled by, the Black Bison was caught by the CCPD but then escaped the very same day, Ralph was hiding away in his office as he felt guilty as ever for letting a little girl get hurt and Barry was starting to feel helpless for him. Savitar and Caitlin remained apart to draw attention from themselves as Mina had appeared to break into the museum to retrieve the necklace as Barry convinced Ralph to help him. Savitar watched in amazement as someone like Ralph could change for the better as he was fighting off an effigy of a T-Rex, Barry confronted Mina an was taken by surprise by a statue holding him back as Mina was ready to kill him, she was ready to plunge a knife right through his heart as just then, a burst of light was seen and sparks were circling them both in tremendous speeds, she was then propelled backwards by Savitar throwing a lightning bolt right towards her. "I've been waiting so long for that" he smirked widely as Barry overcame the statue and destroyed it. "Your going to jail no matter what you do?" Barry told her as she was explaining how the necklace didn't belong in a museum or in a private collectors hands. Savitar noticed a sioux bowl beside him as he smirked slightly as he teased her "yea..but there is something more important to you than revenge" he told her as he lifted up the bowl and threw it into the air as she held out her arms. Perfect. Barry thought as he used his speed to cuff her and catch the bowl "even I can't believe you fell for that" he joked as Savitar grinned "nice job, digging the new suit" Barry told him as Savitar placed the bowl back down and then both leaving to check on Ralph. Finally he was apart of something...he didn't know couldn't of been a family...could it?

Finally after hours of non stop digging the team had discovered who they were looking for. Clifford Devoe. Savitar had constant flashes of memories fighting him, knowing the what he'll do to the bus metas. Then just like that...they vanished. Savitar needed to get his head straight, he needed to focus on his mind. He told the team how he needed to figure everything out and told them where he was going to be. As he was leaving, Barry had placed a hand on his shoulder to the shock of Savitar "I can understand if you refuse, but I would like you to be back for my wedding day, your apart of the team and deserve time to have fun I guess?" Barry told him as Savitar sighed softly, he hated Iris for what she did and deep down he'll never be able to forgive her...but maybe this could be the complete closure he needed. "You'll see me there...groom side" he smirked at Barry and Barry returned the smirk as they remembered the talk they had a seven months ago. They shared one last handshake and just like that, he was gone. Gone to harness more power from the stone and utilize for his speed.

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