Chapter 12 / Zhan You are too young to die.

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Chapter 12 / Zhan You are too young to die.

Zhan crawled forward from his side of the bed to the edge of the bed and sat upright. He pointed the weapon at Yibo. No trembling, no tears hiding his clear vision. With a serious face, like that of a special agent, Zhan looked at Yibo. "Come here Yibo." Ordered Zhan and Yibo followed his orders and stood right in front of Zhan. "Kneel." Ordered Zhan and Yibo did. Tears were pouring out of Yibo's eyes. "Head." Said Zhan and pointed to his lap. Yibo put his head on Zhan's lap and wept bitterly as Zhan stroked his head.

"Calm down Yibo. I won't shoot you, you're too young to die." He said calmly and continued stroking Yibo's head. "When I awoke from the coma in pain, my only wish was to hurt you. But now when I see you like this, you seem to have suffered enough. I'm still mad at you, but I can understand what your actual plan was. Even if it wasn't well thought out. And apart from that, I don't want to hurt or kill my husband." Explained Zhan with a little smile. Yibo raised his head and looked at Zhan. Zhan wiped tears from his eyes and smiled.

"Can you really forgive me?" He asked Zhan. Zhan nodded. "But I won't make it that easy for you. You have to become the strong Yibo again, I don't want to see you cry all the time. Oh and then there is something important. I can't pretend I don't remember forever. Someday the Agency will notice it and demand answers. I can't just lie to them because there is a witness. Someone who can testify that you shot." Said Zhan. "Who's the witness?" Yibo wanted to know. "Your brother!" Answered Zhan. Before Yibo could say anything, Zhan continued.

"He's in their hands, they'll start interviewing in two days. And believe me, they have their methods to find out the truth. So the question is, what are we doing now to prevent your brother from talking?" He asked Yibo. "What possibilities do we have Zhan?" Yibo wanted to know. "Only one!" Zhan replied and Yibo seemed to understand. "He must die! But how?" Yibo asked. Yibo sat down next to Zhan and froze when he saw that ice-cold look of Zhan. "What are you going to do with Zhan?" He asked nervously.

"I will visit your brother tomorrow. And make sure he can't talk anymore." Zhan replied. Yibo stared at him stunned. "You-you want to kill him? Because of me?" He asked stutteringly. Zhan shook his head. "Not because of you. I do it for Yue Fei and the unborn baby. And not least because of us!" Said Zhan and seemed determined. "You can really scare me if you look and talk like that." Said Yibo. "Do you think I became a special agent because I'm so nice? I am not Yibo. I am not a nice person. Besides, you should tell me which agent chatted. The agency is looking for him and I want to make sure they find the right one." Said Zhan and amazed Yibo.

Yibo had met Zhan as a loving, friendly and understanding man, but this Zhan was the exact opposite. This Zhan was cold, violent and unpredictable and, Yibo liked it. They sat there in silence for a few minutes, then Zhan asked him for his medication, Zhan took it and then Yibo carried Zhan downstairs so they could both eat something. "How will you kill my brother in front of the guards?" Yibo wanted to know after they had eaten. "Oh, don't worry about it and leave it to the professional." Zhan replied.

"Oh, yes, because of your brother. I'll explain to the agency that he first killed Yue Fei and then tried to kill me. Just in case someone should ask you." Mentioned Zhan between two bites of his dessert. "And you will accompany me to headquarters tomorrow. Then you will testify who was the agent who gave you the information." Said Zhan demandingly. Yibo made big eyes, but finally nodded. Before they went back up into the room, that means, before Yibo carried Zhan back up like a bride, both took a nightly walk in the fresh air.

Back in the room, Yibo laid his Zhan on the bed and lay next to him. When he wanted to kiss Zhan, Zhan stopped him. "Not yet. I'm not ready yet. Besides, I want to solve our problems first". Said Zhan, who at least allowed Yibo to hold him in his arms. Around noon they arrived at the headquarters. Yibo was amazed that everyone bowed to Zhan. He knew it himself, but this time nobody did it for him, but for his husband. "Are you all right?" Zhan asked him with a smile. Yibo nodded and seemed nervous.

Zhan showed Yibo where his office is and let him push him there. "MianMian, please tell the boss I'm here and I need to talk to him." Said Zhan to his young colleague. She nodded and hurried off. A few minutes later Yu Bin came to Zhan's office and sat down at Zhan's desk. Zhan looked for a document in his drawer and put the printed page down. "I remember." He said to Yu Bin. "Tell." He demanded. "Wang Hai Kuan brutally killed his pregnant wife, our agent Yue Fei. And because she had told him before who I was, he also wanted to kill me. He did not succeed. Your spy is none other than the toy of our great boss He Peng, Jiang Cheng." Explained Zhan

Yu Bin looked at Yibo, who nodded his head confirming. "As for Jiang Cheng, I'll talk to He Peng. What are you going to do with Hai Kuan?" Asked Yu Bin and Zhan turned his document around and showed it to Yu Bin. "I see, do you have your gun?" He asked Zhan and Yibo looked back and forth between them without understanding. Zhan nodded and showed his weapon. Three of them left the office and went to a door where the "Red Zone" was standing. "Bring in Wang Hai Kuan and turn off the cameras!" Called Yu Bin into the big room. Then Yu Bin opened the door to the red zone with a key card and Zhan already entered. He locked the door again and left Zhan alone in the room behind.

A moment later, Yibo's eyes hit his brother's eyes. He seemed wild and looked at Yibo with hate. "You are a traitor!" Shouted Hai Kuan to him and turned under the grips of his guards. They brought Hai Kuan into the red zone. "You know Wang Yibo, the license to kill is not a movie myth, he killed one of our agents and almost killed another. An eye for an eye, you understand?" Said Yu Bin, who saw the questioning look of Yibo. In the office there was absolut silence and everyone stared at the door to the red zone. Time seemed to stand still, or just pass by infinitely slowly, until an agent came up to Yu Bin and gave him a sign with a thumb up.

Yu Bin went to the Red Zone and opened the door. He took Zhan out and gave him a damp cloth. "You should clean yourself up before we go any further." He said to Zhan. Zhan smiled and wiped his face. Yibo stood there staring at Zhan, but said nothing. As they sat in the car, Yibo found his language again. "I didn't think you were an ice-cold killer." He said to Zhan. Zhan stroked his hand. "I told you, I'm not a special agent for nothing. By the way, your brother confessed to me that he originally intended to kill you too. He wanted to disappear for a while and then come back and kill you." Zhan explained to him. Before Yibo started the engine, he turned to Zhan, smiled and kissed Zhan. "I love you killer." He said and started the engine.

" He said and started the engine

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