Chapter 32 Yibo - I'm sorry

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Chapter 32 Yibo - I'm sorry

Yibo had hardly slept last night. He held Zhan's phone to his chest as if it were a treasure And he was excited because he was going to meet Zhan, alone. He never thought he would get another chance to talk to Zhan. Yibo, of course, hadn't told anyone, he didn't want anyone to know that he was going to meet Zhan, because Zhan seemed to have risked a lot for this and, most of all, he didn't want his uncle to know. He had not only hijacked the Triad and kicked him out in cold blood, but he also moved into his house and started something with his mother. Yibo moved out a short time later and now lived in the apartment that Zhan had owned before.

Not only did Yibo live alone for half a year, he had also not been a member of the triad for just as long, which only a few knew, even Yu Bin has no idea, as he noticed the day before. Yibo had looked for a job and since he had no experience, he had no other choice but to work in a supermarket. But it didn't matter to him either, because it was honest work. At first he thought about asking Zhan's parents to help him become an agent, but he didn't do it. He wondered how Zhan would react when he found out. Or did he already know? In the morning Yibo got up and every time he thought about the upcoming meeting, his heart was beating faster.

Again and again he had tried to calm himself down but gave up trying shortly after. He still loved Zhan and could not suppress his feelings. Zhan was and remained his dream man, his soul mate, the man he wanted to stay with for the rest of his life. He didn't dare to dream that Zhan would forgive him, but he hoped he would. He hoped Zhan could forgive him one last time for being so stupid as to let his uncle manipulate him that he let himself be convinced that Zhan was not the right one, although his heart painfully protested against it. Of course he was still young and naive at the time and quickly believed his uncle, because he wanted to believe him, after all he was the only male relative and looked up to him.

He even tried to drop his uncle, tried to kick him out of the triad and failed. Now he could at least understand how his uncle must have felt when Yibo's father betrayed his own brother and took away his power over the Triad. However, Yibo didn't miss the Triad and was happy not to be a part of it anymore, yet he often thought about revenge against his uncle. But at the latest when this old bastard had started something with his mother, and she was happy with him too, he couldn't do anything anymore. For himself this was pure horror, but seeing his mother happy meant more to him.

It was 11:30 am and Yibo was getting dressed. His heart was pounding so hard in his chest that it almost hurt, his stomach felt a tingling sensation that seemed to spread all over his body. He went to the apartment door and felt a strange but nice tingling sensation on his skin. He had always felt this when he was with Zhan, only with him and no one else. Zhan was the only one who was ever able to create feelings in him that he never knew. He was addicted to Zhan and to these feelings, the tingling in his stomach and on his skin. He missed it and he wanted it back!

Yibo opens the door and almost gets a fist in his face. In front of him stood Zhan, ready to knock on the door. "Ah, I was just leaving." Said Yibo shyly and now knew why he had felt this unique tingling sensation on his skin. Yibo was amazed that Zhan was there, but not how he knew he lived there. "It's raining outside, so I came straight here." Said Zhan dryly. Yibo swallowed heavily and then let Zhan into his apartment. "Haven't noticed, I really should get into the habit of looking out the window before I leave the house." Yibo finally said after letting Zhan into his apartment and closing the door again.

Zhan was standing right in front of him when Yibo turned around. He looked deep into Yibo's eyes. "So? You have something to tell me?" Asked him Zhan. Yibo stared at him and nodded. "Then say it!" Ordered Zhan. Yibo took a deep breath and started to answer. Zhan put his arms next to Yibo's head  and lowered his head a little bit, looking Yibo straight in the eyes, and Yibo's cheeks reddened. He counted to three inside. "I'm sorry, ZhanZhan." It gushed out of him. "I'm really very sorry. I know I don't deserve you and you have every right to hate me." He said to Zhan. "Who says I hate you ha?" Asked him Zhan. Yibo's eyes widened. "Do you think I would take such a risk for someone I hate?" He asked Yibo. Yibo did not know what to say and shook his head.

"Come closer." Ordered Zhan and Yibo took a step closer to Zhan and stood so close to him that he could smell his mint scented breath. "Arms!" Said Zhan in his commanding tone. Yibo slowly raised his arms and put them around Zhan. Zhan nodded, but left his face in the same indifferent position. Yibo felt Zhan's warmth and automatically pressed himself tighter against Zhan. Cheek to cheek they stood there, Yibo closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. "And now Yibo?" Asked Zhan. "Tell me ZhanZhan. What do you want me to do?" Yibo wanted to know, not because he didn't know what Zhan was getting at, but he always liked this hard Special Agent mode and he liked it when Zhan gave him orders.

"Kiss!" Ordered Zhan. Yibo slowly turned his head around until their nose tips touched, then he pressed his lips to Zhan's. A firework of emotions awoke in Yibo, everything in him was in a frenzy and when Zhan returned his kiss, Yibo's heart leapt in his chest. Zhan put his arms around Yibo and pressed him tightly to himself. "You're an idiot, you know that?" he asked Yibo in a whisper. Yibo nodded in agreement. "You are right." He replied. "Well, yes, but after all this, you're still my idiot." Said Zhan seriously. Yibo cuddled his head on Zhan's shoulder. "I'm so sorry ZhanZhan." Said Yibo in a husky voice.

"Yibo, I'm not done yet." Said Zhan and Yibo raised his head and looked at him questioningly. Zhan grinned cheekily at him. "Undress!" He ordered Yibo.

 "Undress!" He ordered Yibo

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