The Mistletoe

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Sophie heard laughing. But not the cheerful kind of laughter. It was evil, sickening, almost. She felt arms wrap around her tightly, and her instincts told her to fight it. She'd been through too much, been injured, tormented, kidnapped. She wouldn't let her dreams drag her down, not after everything. Her name was being called, and the voices sounded worried, but another round of sharp laughter drowned them out.

Her mind spun and spun until she was knocked back in her body. But the scene before her was anything but happy.

She looked up and found Fitz, beaten and blood. He looked..lifeless. Her breathing became heavy and rushed. Even though they were outside, she felt like walls were closing in, and fast.

She looked down, seeing shadows wrapped around her wrists. Blood trickled down her arm until—


The loud voice, mixed with desperation and fear, forced her back into reality. She forced her eyes open and saw multiple pairs of eyes staring back at her.

The arms that she felt wrap around her were Fitz's, holding her close to him.

"I'm fine." She said. But her voice didn't sound confident nor sure. But she was proud that her legs held strong as she stood.

Edaline rushed over and examined Sophie, resting her hand on Sophie's check.

"What's this?" Edaline asked in a worried tone. She hasn't grabbed Sophie's arm gently, showing her a deep scratch that was leaking blood. In the exact place she had seen blood in her nightmare.

Then her mind was dragged to a time bit long ago. She was laying on Fitz's bed, when she had a nightmare. She quickly lifted up her shirt a little and saw the same bruise she had before, only it has turned a little green.

"Wait.." Fitz said, carefully examining her wounds. "That's the bruise you got from that other dream..and the blood..." his voice trailed off.

"Would you two care to explain what he is talking about?!" Grady demanded.

So Sophie retold the story of the dream she had had a few days ago, at the Vackers' house. When she got to how the bruise was formed, and how Keefe had given it to her, all eyes darted to the boy.

Gradys glare had turned murderous as he stared at Keefe.

"Hey," Sophie said after a long silence, grabbing Gradys arm. "I'm fine."

"Fine doesn't bleed and get bruises from dreams." Biana seemed to say for Grady.

"But I am." She said. Wiping off the blood and twirling to show she was fine. "Let's continue with the festivities! I think that the deserts we made are cooled off by now, and ready to eat!"

And with that, she skipped off into the kitchen. Grady mumbled something about her needing to be careful, but she ignored his annoyed tone.


"Oh these are amazing." Sophie said, sinking into the chair she had been sitting in. She was eating a cookie that the boys-and mainly her- had made.

She was still getting strange glances and she didn't have to be a telepath to know they were still worried. But then they took a cookie. But as soon as they bit the warm cookies, their anxiety seemed to fade away.

"So, what do we have planned for tomorrow?" Sophie asked, wiping off some of the cookie off of her mouth.

"We were thinking about taking you and your friends 'ice skating'. We've never heard of it before and still don't understand it fully, but we found a frozen pond!" Edaline said enthusiastically.

"And some weird shoes." Grady chimed in, "guess you'll have to teach us how to ice skate."

"Speaking of which, we should head home." Biana told the group. "But we'll definitely be there."

Keefe and Biana ran out to door after saying their goodbyes. Fitz, however, stuck behind and leaned in. Surprisingly, he didn't kiss her. He just rested his head on hers and wrapped his arms around her.

She wasn't embarrassed as this point. She had to get over that if she wanted to live her life without becoming a tomato everyday.

"I'll see you tomorrow Sophie." Fitz said, kissing her forehead and walking out the door, a small smile creeping across his face.

She smiled, giggling before waving goodbye. And this time, only a light pink was painted on her face.

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