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This chapter contains Sophie talking about what happened. It will have mentions of sexual abuse, so if that makes you uncomfortable, please don't read this chapter.

A long, bone chilling silence hung in the thick air. Sophie had stopped crying, and fell asleep.

He picked her up, bridal style, and headed for the front door of the house. Luckily, the coast was clear as he stepped outside, and pulled out his pathfinder.

He spun the crystal, setting it onto the facet that would take them to Havenfield. The beam of light that generated onto the ground was almost blinding as Fitz carried Sophie, and himself, into the light.

"Sophie? Fitz?" Edaline asked once they had appeared onto the expansive pasture grounds.

Sophie was unconscious, so it was safe to say Edaline freaked out. Freaked wasn't even a strong enough word. (Props to you if that line sounds familiar.)

Edaline ran towards the two, almost slipping on  her gown. Then, Grady stepped out, and his eyes widened as he saw his daughter.

Tear stained cheeks, damp hair, and clothes that weren't hers. Grady's blood boiled, guessing what happened.

He stalked over and took Sophie, handing her to his wife. Then, he socked Fitz in jaw.

A shriek came out of the concerned mother, and it was enough to make Sophie stir.

Her eyes fluttered open, only to see Fitz being beaten. Sophie's eyes widened and her stomach twisted as she shot out her hand.

"Stop it!" She yelled as the two boys were separated and floating there. Edaline let Sophie down, steadying her as she nearly fell over. "Fitz is helping me. He didn't do anything!"

"Then why were you unconscious, and not in your own clothes might I add?!" Grady demanded, glaring at Fitz.

You could cut the anger and tension with a Ogre's dagger.

"I...think you'll have to let me explain, but Fitz didn't do anything! He's helping me. A lot.." Sophie said, her voice dripping with sadness.

She slowly and carefully set them on the ground, and Grady mumbled an apology that actually sounded sincere.

The group headed inside, settling on the giant white couch. Edaline snapped her now painted fingers, her nail polish matching her beautiful eyes.

"Go on Sophie, what happened?" Gradys now concerned voice asked.

"I.." Sophie started, and Fitz grabbed her hand, giving her the confidence to start with, "I went to Keefe's house and he felt...odd. We were just doodling and then he.."

Her head dropped as she replayed the memory.

"You have to promise me you won't hurt him." Sophie requested. No, demanded would have been a better word. "He apologized and he felt guilty."

After much convincing, her father finally agreed. He was sold on the deal when she said, "it would make me feel a lot better." With her weak smile.

D e j a v u

"He..he forced me to kiss him and then he..he.." Her voice was cut off by an embarrassing sob.

Edaline and Grady's eyes met as they realized what Keefe had done. Their eyes brimmed with tears and they ran towards her, grabbing her and hugging with a bone crushing grip.

They stayed like this for a while, sobbing as Sophie repeatedly apologized. "You have nothing to be sorry about!" They kept telling her.

When the tears calmed down, Grady saw Fitz standing there, tears also dripping down his cheeks.

Grady felt all the sympathy in him as he reached out with his arm, inviting him to the hug. His face showed him he was forgiven.

Fitz joined in, and Sophie cried against Gradys chest.

Edaline stood, motioning for Fitz to follow her.
She pulled him out of earshot.

"Did you try to..I don't know...maybe kiss her? Or how did you find out?" Edaline asked. "I'm sorry, but I need to make sure she's okay. I need all the answers I can get."

"That's understandable.. Sophie transmitted to me, pleading for help. I followed her thoughts and found her at Keefe's house. She was obviously terrified of him,after what he..did. So, I took her to Everglen, in case Keefe went looking for her." He explained, fresh tears slipping out.

"And how did you find out? I'm guessing she didn't immediately tell you, this is Sophie we're talking about." Edaline said.

"Well, then we played base quest, and we all got covered in mud, so she went to take a shower. And then she needed some new clothes so I came to give her some. She was in a towel, and I...I kissed her. She seemed tense and scared and then I noticed purple marks, so I read her mind. And now, here we are."

The explanation was lengthy, but Edaline decided it was worth it. She opened her arms, and pulled him into a tight hug. She whispered a small, "Thank you, Sophie would be lost without you."

When they returned to the living room, Sophie was sitting on the couch with Grady sitting on the floor in front of her.

She was laughing, a wonderful new sight, but small tears still leaking. Grady was cheering up, immediately winning the father of the year award.

"Oh, hey guys." Sophie said, waving and smiling, a real smile.

Then Edaline picked up bed daughter, hugging her, snapping her fingers. A piece of mallowmelt appeared and Edaline shoved it in Sophie's mouth.

The happy family, and Fitz, laughed and danced around until their legs grew tired.

"I should probably be heading home." Fitz said, and he waved goodbye, heading for the door.
"Wait!" Sophie called after him, walking towards him. She pulled him outside and shut the door behind them.

"Thank you, for tonight. You really..helped me and I'm sorry about Grady!" Sophie spoke in a rushed manner, she was blushing. But why?

Suddenly, she walked closer and put her hand on his cheek.

She took one last breath before standing on her tippy toes and pressing her soft lips to his.

Fitz's eyes widened, and very loud cheers came from the house.

Sophie then pulled away, leaving Fitz wild-eyes and shocked. Giggling, she whispered a goodnight and walked inside.

Things were starting to look up. Bring it on Keefe.

This chapter was super fun to write! This chapter was quite long. I've been updating a lot more recently, and I'm in the car rn, so I'll work on some stories! Thank you so much for all the followers and reads! Loves!


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