Chapter Eighteen

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Later on, we each picked out the rooms that we would be staying in. Gavin and I each ended up with our own room, while Aria and Marla shared one, and Kason and Holden shared another. In the beginning, both of us argued against this idea because we felt bad, but our friends kept repeating that we deserved at least this much. I really didn't want anybody's sympathy and I didn't see how having my own room would bring light to my life situation at all, but I finally just stopped arguing at one point, realizing that I wasn't going to get my way. The two rooms that were going to be shared each had a queen size bed in them, while mine and Gavin's both had a full-size bed.

"Don't be snuggling," my brother joked to Kason as he and Holden carried their luggage into their room.

Kason smirked in amusement, seeing an opportunity. "You don't have to worry about that. Your sister is the only person I want to snuggle with."

"Woah," Gavin drawled out the word as he stared at them. Kason just laughed and entered his room. "I didn't like that," my brother told me, as he started walking to his room which was down the hall from mine.

I chuckled. "I'd get over it. Kason could take you down before you could blink."

He sighed and said, "I know," before disappearing into his room.

Walking into my room, I laid my tote of belongings at the base of my bed and tossed my backpack on the floor. I immediately dug into the bottom of the tote and pulled out the letter from my father. Taking a deep breath, I looked around the room for a safe place to hide it. There was a bookshelf filled with books against the wall and decided that inside of a random book would be a pretty good spot. I contemplated just telling the others about the letter, instead of feeling the weight in my chest from keeping it a secret. Was it really that important though? It didn't give us any more information that could help us find Charles.

At that time Nemo walked in, looking like the happiest Golden Retriever on the plant. I smiled at the sight of him and watched him jump up on my bed and lay down. "Are you supposed to be on the furniture?" I asked as if I genuinely expected an answer. The dog just laid his head down. "It's okay. I'll keep my mouth shut." I had always wanted a dog and knew deep down the younger me would've openly invited him to sleep on the bed as much as he wanted.

Even though it was only around six in the evening, I decided to change into my pajamas as I put away and organized my clothes. Honestly, I just wanted to feel comfortable. Just after I did, a knock sounded on the door and Hazel walked in. She immediately spots the dog on the bed and stops. "Nemo," she says simply. The dog immediately stood and jumped off the bed like he knew better and sat on the floor. "Everything okay?" she asked me.

"Yep," I answered.

"Do you need me to do anything for you?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm just settling in. But thanks."

She nodded once. "Alright then. Just let me know if you need anything."

"I will." With that, she left, probably to go check on the others. As soon as she was out of sight, Nemo jumped back up on the bed and made himself comfortable, making me laugh to myself. "I think you and I are going to get along great."


Later that evening, after everybody had most of their belongings unpacked, most of us gathered back in the living room to just hang out until we were tired enough to go to bed. "I'm going to go get the horses settled in the barn for the night," Sam announced. "Does anybody want to come with me?" Aria and Holden declined since they seemed to be deep in a conversation with Hazel, but Marla and Gavin volunteered almost immediately.

"Yes, I want to meet the horses!" Marla said excitedly, jumping up to grab her shoes. It was no surprise when Gavin stood to go with them. They had been practically attached at the hip lately.

Kason and I went back up to my room and hung out there alone with the dog. My boyfriend laid down on my bed beside Nemo and petted him while I browsed the books on the bookshelf for any familiar ones. I used to love reading. It was a perfect way to escape reality for a little while.

"Do you want to explore the rest of the property with me tomorrow?" Kason asked me. "We could even go into town."

Turning around, I gave him a smile and nodded before joining them on the bed. "We can head out after breakfast if you want. And Nemo can tag along while we look around the property," I added, smiling brightly as I petted him.

After a moment of silence, I looked up at Kason to find him already staring down at me with his ocean eyes and a grin full of adoration. "I didn't take you to be a dog person," he said.

I shrugged. "I've always wanted one, but never got one for obvious reasons." With all the abuse I was getting from my father back in those days, I never dared to add a dog into the picture. Charles would have only tortured the dog, too.

"Come here," he said, opening his arms.

I didn't hesitate on the invitation and let myself melt into his arms, basically sitting in his lap at this point. Somehow, Kason made my life a hundred times easier to deal with. I knew that no matter what happened, he would always be by my side. I couldn't imagine myself getting through this without him. "I love you," I told him, snuggling my face into his neck.

He kissed my head. "I love you more." I just smiled at that, not knowing how his words could be true. I couldn't imagine loving someone more than I loved him.

I leaned back for a moment and kissed him on the lips which he gladly returned the gesture. Keeping my eyes closed, I kissed him again, not wanting to ever leave his side. I wanted him to be my forever. His arms tightened around me and one of his hands made its way up to cup my cheek so he could kiss me harder. After a long moment, we were both struggling to breathe and stopped, only to just sit in silence and enjoy each other's presence. "I'm never leaving," he told me as if he was reading my biggest fear out of my thoughts. "I'll be right here with you no matter what."

An ache in my chest that I hadn't even realized was there seemed to fade away at his words. And I believed him. He was going to be my forever.


Thanks for reading! Another chapter will be up on Monday!

I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far:)

Love you all<3


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