Chapter Thirty-One

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;) ;) ;) Get's slightly steamy toward the end:) Warning

I entered the living room, looking for Kason, and found him asleep on the couch. Mr. Piper was sitting in a recliner with Nemo sitting in front of him, his head on the man's lap as he gently petted him. As I moved to sit beside Kason on the couch, Nemo jumped to his feet and followed me, placing himself down at my feet. A chuckle escaped Darrell's lips as he looked up from the newspaper he had been reading. "I go away for a few weeks and you've already stolen my dog."

I just grinned, moving Kason's head from the couch and replacing it on my lap, where I could play with his hair. He took a deep breath and sighed after I did so, but he remained sound asleep. "Thank you for what you've done for all of us," I told the man. "It's not something just anybody would do for strangers."

He returned my smile and folded up his newspaper. "Well, you are no longer strangers now...How long have you two been together?" Darrel asked, watching my twirl Kason's hair around my fingers.

I took a breath and thought. "Seven months?" I guessed. "Eight months maybe?" I shrugged. "With everything going on, it's not really something I've kept track of." That didn't make me a bad girlfriend, did it?

"Is he good to you?"

His words made me smile. "He has stayed by my side through everything...and that's more than I could ever ask from him."

My answer seemed to satisfy him because he nodded and stood from his chair. "He sounds like a keeper than...let him sleep a little longer. As soon as it's dark we will go throw on some fireworks." I nodded as he left.

Looking down at my boyfriend, I thought about how much I appreciated and loved him. This boy would never let me down. I truly believed that. I watched his eyelids suddenly twitch and a light gasp escape his lips. A low mumble of incoherent words followed after. Placing my thumb on his cheeks, I caressed his skin and whispered soothing words in his ears. As I did, his breathing steadied back out and he relaxed. "It's going to be okay, Kason," I whispered. "All of us are going to be okay."


I stared up into the dark night sky as we waited for the boys to set off more of the fireworks. We were all sat out in the field, some of them in chairs, and some of us sprawled out on blankets. Nemo was happily sitting beside me on a blanket. Unlike me, he was brave during the show. He didn't even flinch at the loud pops of sounds. The first few I was able to get through somewhat easily, but the more we continued, the more anxiety that racked through me. I curled my knees up into my chest, resting my chin on my kneecaps, and tapped my thumbs on my baggy jeans.

Kason plopped down beside me after lighting a few fireworks. I watched the light show, trying to focus on the beautiful sparks flying instead of the gunshots around me. I tried so hard but still found myself flinching. Breathe. In. Out. In. Out. Breathe. A warm hand was placed on my shoulder, making me look over at my boyfriend. His excited smile had faded and he was now stood up behind me, reaching out his hand. I shook my head in response, knowing what he was thinking.

"No, Kason, I'm fine. We can stay."

Without hesitation, he grabbed my upper arms and pulled me to my feet. Locking my hand in his, he started walking me back to the house, leaving everyone else behind us. Nemo didn't seem to mind Kason's decision. After lifting his head, to watch us leave, he just trotted over to Aria and sat down beside her chair.

Neither of us said a word until we were walking in the front door. He led the way in and I closed the door behind us. "You can keep trying to lie, but even sitting under the dark sky, I can see right through your mask," he said as he turned around to face me.

Sighing, I tilted my head and stared into his eyes. Who knew that someone's eyes could hold so much mystery but so much conspicuous emotion at the same time? His hair wasn't as long now. He had let Darrel take the clippers to it earlier that evening. I didn't mind though, it was still a little long on top. There were a few freckles dotted across his skin from being out in the summer sun, but even with them, he looked like the same intimidating boy I had first met, many months before. "Why do you love me?" I finally asked.

His brown brows furrowed but a soft chuckle left his plump lips. "What kind of question is that?" he questioned, taking a step closer to me.

I anxiously held my arm. "Kason."

The man in front of me reached up and swept my baby hairs behind my ears and cupped my cheeks in his palms. His lips connected with my forehead and lingered there for a long comforting moment. "Because you are beautiful," he started, keeping close, but staring into my eyes. "Inside and out. You're strong, brave, funny, and a pain in my butt most of the time." His words made me laugh under my breath and look down from his intense gaze. Within seconds, his fingers pushed on my chin, making me look back into his eyes. "You drive me crazy in the best way possible."

I smiled wider than I had ever before and closed the little distance between us. I kissed him hard and he pulled me close, holding me against him. Our lips moved against each other as he gently pushed me against the closed door behind me. My heartbeat drummed faster in my chest as electric butterflies dived through me. The palm of his hand warmed up my cheek and his rough thumb caressed my skin. His other hand found the low curve of my hip and held me to him like I was his shadow. I placed one hand on the side of his jaw and the other in his hair, wild tremors coursing through my nerves as I wanted him closer, even though it was literally impossible. His tongue parted my lips before dancing with mine.

I gently scraped my teeth against his lower lip and a low moan rose from his throat, making me grin. The thought that I made him do that was something that definitely raised my self-esteem. My eyes opened and found him already staring at me with love and amusement in his gaze. "You know exactly what you do to me, don't you?"

I chuckled and nodded. "I have a pretty good idea."

Shaking his head, he chuckled after me before something sparked in his eyes. He kissed my lips, then slowly trailed along my cheekbone, across my jaw, and down my neck. Each mark sent a spark through me and I had to gasp for air. I was suddenly aware that I was wearing a fitted tank top with my jeans. To my disappointment and relief, his lips stopped on my collarbone before trailing back up through his tracks he left. Once he crossed back on the bone of my jaw, a moan escaped my lips before I could think to stop it.

He stopped and leaned back ever so slightly, peering down at me with pure happiness in his eyes. "There it is." With just enough time for me to roll my eyes at him, his lips started back right where they left off.

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