Chapter Thirty-Two

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As we all finished eating, each of us started taking our dishes to the sink and helped clean up. Aria was happily putting her leftover biscuits in a container to preserve their goodness for later. Suzanne had begun teaching Aria how to cook and helped her out in her kitchen skills. I think I was just as excited as Aria for it to happen. That meant no more charred biscuits in the morning for me.

"No, really, it is so hard for me to be embarrassed about something," my brother insisted in whatever conversation he was a part of.

"Oh, please," Hazel rolled her eyes in reaction to his statement. "When you opened your door for me in your naked glory, you for sure experienced it."

Darrel choked on his coffee and his wife gasped accordingly. The father quickly wiped his mouth with a napkin. "He what?"

Gavin's eyes widened, fear seemingly filling his soul. "No! Sir, it wasn't like that. Not at all. I was wearing underwear, and I'm totally in a relationship—not with Hazel," he ranted. "I have a girlfriend—Marla is my girlfriend."

His frantic words didn't seem to help his case cause Suzanne and Darrel both stared at him with confused disbelief. I didn't even hold back my life as I watched the scene take place. Gavin had the skill of getting himself in these types of situations and it was hilarious every time.

Scratching the back of his head, he seemed to admit defeat to himself and pursed his lips, sighing. "Now that I've made it weird, I'm going to make my exit." With that, he walked out of the kitchen. Marla and Hazel were both trying to hold back their laughs as they chased after him.

Darrell blinked hard and shook his head, adjusting the newspaper in his hands before he continued reading. "Oh, that boy."

I chuckled and started wiping down the kitchen table with a wet rag. "I'd tell you he isn't always like this, but he is," I commented, making the man laugh.

We had been living here with the Pipers for over a month now. It didn't feel like it if you ask me. It felt like longer. Honestly, life here on the farm had gotten boring. There are only so many things you can do on the same property twenty-four-seven. At this point, I would even take Aria up on an offer to go shopping, as much as the usual thought would pain me. But we couldn't. Because we could not leave this place in the middle of nowhere. Some days I would switch it up and try to spend most of the day in town, but the so-called "town" was hardly a foot bigger than the Piper's property, so it was hard to waste more than an hour there.

On the brighter side, I had talked to Daniel about everyone else missing their families and managed to pull a few strings. Aria, Kason, and the twins were able to take a few days' trip home to visit. I was beyond happy for them, but honestly more so jealous. I'd never show that to them though. It was Lucy's birthday in a few days, so honestly, it was perfect timing. Kason was super excited to be able to be there for her big day. I could tell he missed her more than anything. When I had announced the news to them all, Aria and Marla burst into tears. I wished I could understand that bond that they still had with their parents in the midst of all this madness. But yeah, they were leaving later this evening, and while all of them were over the moon, my heart was aching with dread.

So here I was, left alone in the kitchen to put away everyone's now clean dishes, while my friends were packing, and the Pipers took a walk out to the barn. My arms moved in slow movements, but I had to catch myself from slamming the dishes around carelessly. "Did me putting that picture out on display make you jealous?" I snapped out of my self-centered thoughts as Sam's voice entered the room.

"Excuse me?" I snapped, looking over my shoulder at him.

"I asked if seeing me with her makes you jealous," he repeated as if I was too stupid to understand.

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