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Dana and I walked into the gym with our gym bags over our shoulders. We sit down off to the side. We started putting our cheer shoes on. A girl with long straight black hair and dark brown eyes walked up to us. "Hi," she smiled.

"Hi." I smiled at her. I looked at her for a moment before recognizing her. "Oh hey you're the new girl, you tried out over video. Theresa right?"

She sat down next to us. "I actually go by Tessa."

"Well I'm Dana and this is Leia."

"Yeah, I know." We looked at her confused. "I'm in your APES class and I saw you guys perform during lunch. Do you do that every day?"

"Oh god no," I chuckled. I ran my hand through my hair before pulling my hair up into a high ponytail. I spun it and made it into a messy bun. "We only really do it for half time shows, special occasions, or when people beg us."

She nodded understanding. "Well welcome to North Lake high school and welcome to Texas," Dana said as the three of us stood up. We walked onto the mats and started stretching. "You're from DC right?"

"Yeah right outside of it," she answered. "My dad got transferred."

"Enough chit chat girls," said coach K as she walked in. "Missy, will you start warm-ups?"

"Of course coach," she said in her perky kiss up voice. With her dyed blonde hair and blue-eyed contract, she walked over and purposely pushed past me. Dana and I rolled our eyes. Melissa "Missy" Williams has hated me for years for reasons unknown to me. "Alright girls, ten cheer jacks, and then ten kicks on each leg."

She stood in front and we all followed her as we started warmups. The two-hour practice consists of the rest of warmups, tumbling, stunting, Missy kissing up to coach, and Dana, Tessa, and I mocking her. When practice was done the three of us walked outside. We sat on the bench outside. "You have a ride home right Tessa?"

"Yeah my mom is picking me up," she said. "What about you guys?"

"My brother Luke is gonna bring us home if they ever get out of practice." we turned our heads when we hear yelling from the fields. "And here they are." The boys ran over to us. Luke picked me up. "Eww put me down," I screeched. "You're all smelly and sweaty."

He set me down laughing. "You're still going over to Nick's right?" I nodded. "Cool, then I'm going out for pizza." He looked next to me at Tessa and bit his lip. "I don't think we've met, I'm Luke Evans."

"And I'm out of your league pretty boy."

He chuckled. "I can definitely prove you wrong by taking you out on a date."

"In your dreams."

He frowned. "I don't know what to do? Usually, they agree."

She patted his arm. "Well, there's a first time for everything."

Dana and I laughed. "That was the best thing I've ever seen in my life," I said. Tessa chuckled. "You've met my brother Luke, this is Nick and Ricky."

"It's nice to me you three." She turned around and smiled at Dana and me. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." She walked over to her mom's car and got in.

Ricky kissed mine and Dana's cheek. "I'll see you guys later," he said fist-bumping the boys before running to his car.

Dana, Nick, Luke, and I get into the car. We drive to Dana's house dropping her off first. The three of us then drove back to the house. Nick and I get out. "You're good on dinner?" Luke asks. I nodded. "Okay, then I'll be back later tonight." I nodded again and Nick and I started to walk inside. "Leia? Can I have that new girl's number?"

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