Chapter 2 - Diana

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I jolted up from my bed, panting. Removing the sleepiness from my eyes, I remembered that I was recalling a sweet memory before I unconsciously fell asleep.

How I wish I could be anywhere else except here.

Looking outside the cell for the umpteenth time, there was no sign of anyone, only deafening silence, darkness, and more empty cells in the hallway.

Before I even knew it, I was on my toes when I heard footsteps coming on my way. I closed my eyes and pretended to be sleeping as I heard the door of the cell open. Judging by the sound of footsteps, at least two men were coming to me.

"She is asleep," a female voice said. "Shall we wait for her to wake?"

"No," a male voice answered. "The queen waits for her presence. We must take her now."

Before they laid a hand on me, I sprang up and kicked the first person I saw. The woman stumbled, and the man was momentarily surprised. While he was distracted, I kicked him in the gut and he fell on his knees. I ran away before they could recover from their hits.

As I ran in the corridors, I looked around for anything that looked like an exit. None. I didn't bump into anyone, which was good, as I didn't want to face and fight anyone else. I was slowly getting tired of running. I was so hungry and thirsty that I couldn't keep myself any longer from passing out.

When I thought I lost them, I felt a rough arm on my shoulder. I instinctively punched the person behind me, but he got my fist and didn't let go when I tried to take it back. I turned to face my foe. It was the man whom I kicked earlier. The woman he was with was behind him.

The woman smirked. "Stupid girl. Running away is useless. No one knows the way around here except for the followers of the queen and the queen herself."

"Enough talking, Ayesha," the man scolded. "She has already heard much. Let us take her before the queen gets impatient."

"Then move already, Ulrich," Ayesha scoffed. "But before that, let us sedate her to prevent her from running away again."

She touched her neck and pulled something out. It was moving. When it came into view, I was about to vomit. It. . . it was a worm. A parasite. It was wriggling in Ayesha's fingers as she slowly placed it near my neck. I tried to move away but I couldn't because Ulrich was holding me down. I felt something sting in my neck as Ayesha placed it on me. I screamed. It was so painful that I fell on my knees. I tried to stand but my body became numb. My vision blurred until everything went black.

 My vision blurred until everything went black

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"Rise and shine, my little girl. It is now time to serve your queen," a silky voice said.

It took time to open my eyes because of the brightness I didn't see for a long time. When I finally opened them, I saw a woman in front of me. She didn't look human at all. She was looking at me with strange blue-green eyes. Her skin was unusually white, with long thin green veins snaking through her body. Her hands had demon-like nails, and her lips were twisted into a wicked smile.

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