Chapter 7 - Michael

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Charles and I made our way through the crowd as we caught up with Nicole who was moving quickly to follow Diana and her so-called block mates. As we pushed through the crowd of students coming and going to different places, we finally caught up a few feet behind Nicole who was sneaking behind Diana, Ulrich, and Ayesha.

"Nicole! Stop!" Charles tried calling her, but not only did she not turn around, but she also quickened her pace.

We were outside the campus buildings when Nicole suddenly stopped and hid behind a corner. Charles and I came behind her.

I started. "Nicole, this is nuts! What are yo-"

"Shh!" She put a finger to her lips. She then pointed at something. "Look."

We looked at Diana and her 'buddies' heading towards the campus gates.

"They're going out, so what-"

"Michael, just look closely!"

Having no choice but to do so, the three of us looked at Diana, Ulrich, and Ayesha who just stopped in front of the guard standing near the gates. The guard, his expression confused for some reason, started talking at the three of them, probably asking what they were doing outside. One of them, Ulrich, spoke back to the guard. As he spoke, the guard's expression suddenly became serious.

After a few seconds, the guard nodded at the trio and opened one of the gates for them to exit.

"That's not supposed to happen," Nicole said when the trio were outside the campus and out of our sight.

I looked at her in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Charles made a face at me. "Michael, it's not allowed for students to go out during class hours, even if they are free."

"Exactly!" Nicole snapped her fingers. "Somehow, they said something to the guard that made him listen to them. It's either they lied about the reason why they're going out or the guard is actually one of them!"

I glanced at the two of them before looking back at the guardhouse. "So. . . What are we going to do now?"

"Let's try to go and follow them." Nicole walked past us. "Maybe we can talk our way out or something."

Charles and I exchanged looks before shrugging and following Nicole.

Nicole was already talking to the guard when we already got there. She seemed to be in a heated conversation with the guard, judging from her flustered expression.

"Nic, what's wrong?" Charles asked.

"Nothing, Charles," Nicole replied in a tone that said otherwise. "I was just asking this guard here where our friends went but he's not talking." She said the word 'friend' with pure sarcasm.

The guard shook his head. "I can't tell you that because they didn't tell me anything. They only said that it was important, but you go and follow them if you want."

"Well, we won't give up- What did you say just now?"

The guard gestured at the half-open gate. "You're allowed to leave and go after them."

"But I heard it's not allowed for students to go out during class hours," Charles pointed out.

The guard scratched his neck. "That's right, but I just received a memo from the dean that there will be a faculty meeting this afternoon, so there are no classes for the rest of the day."

Nicole gaped at him. "But. . . but. . ."

I took Nicole's hand while Charles nodded at the guard. "Thank you, sir. We'll follow them as you suggested."

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