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Chapter Twenty-Four | 2am Conversation

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Chapter Twenty-Four | 2am Conversation

The clock on my bedside table read 1:04am in bolded blue lines beside my head. With a deep sigh I flipped over onto my side, once again in hopes of finding a comfortable position to fall asleep. My arms stretched out in front of me to find the cool spots on the mattress. Temporary relief came as I settled into the sheets once again but no sooner than I had hoped, my eyelids were flickering open again

I sit upright on my bed, my legs outstretched and covered with my warm duvet. Nights like these are usually quiet, but it isn't today, because there's a soft tapping sound coming from outside my window. At first I pay it no mind, thinking it's just something lingering in the midnight air, but after awhile I realized that there is indeed something outside my window tapping.

I quickly snatched the covers off myself and hesitantly made my over to my bedroom window. I peered through the window, looking around to see if there was a bird or a small animal lingering around but there wasn't. Instead, there was Liam Claremont standing in my front yard throwing rocks at my window.

I quickly opened my window. "What the hell are you doing throwing rocks at my window at one-in-the-morning?"

"These aren't rocks," He defended himself, holding up his grazed wrist. "They're diamonds from this tennis bracelet."

I withheld an eye roll at his subtle flex. "Okay? But why are you standing outside my house this late at night?"

Liam shrugged his shoulders, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he rocked back and forth. "To talk?" He said, his voice settling into the airy night.

I remember back in the day I used to think Liam's face wasn't anything extraordinary or significant, and yet, I felt somehow magically draw to those serious and sharp features under the pale moonlight. Though he always avoided my gaze, I couldn't help but notice the expensive suit he's wearing, along with his gelled down hairstyle. I couldn't help but find him awe-striking.

"I'll be right down." I sighed, before closing my bedroom window.

I stuffed my feet in a pair of bedroom shoes, and proceeded to make my way downstairs as quietly as possible. Both my father and Braxton were upstairs, and I'd rather them not catch Liam in here, especially at a time like this. I'd never hear the end of it from both ends.When I finally reached downstairs, and opened the door, I'm greeted with a very sad looking Liam. "Sad" sounds so childish, like something flimsy, something one should be able to cast off with a happy reflection or the smile of a friend, but that's exactly how he looked. His prideful exterior seemed to have faded away and a more somber one has taken its place.

"Thanks." He breathed, stepping inside the house. His arms were close to his body. When he walked he wrapped them around his chest like he needed to hug himself or he'd fall apart like a lopsided tower made of dominos.

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