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Chapter Thirty | Aftermath

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Chapter Thirty | Aftermath

To say my dad was upset about what happened at the charity event was an understatement. He was furious, his mahogany brown eyes switching to the hottest hellfire, and his face hardens into the sourest expression that I'm sure the devil himself would shudder in his presence. I've only seen my father like this three times throughout my eighteen-years of living — one being the day my mother passed, the other being the day I was kicked out of school for breaking Liam's nose, and now.

Crazy how Liam is responsible for two out of the three.

My dad's office was still. It felt like the air of the room was constricting around my neck like a snake, and it had no intention of letting me go. The sun had set causing the lights that usually shined from the fabric curtains to dim, the only source of light being the lamp on my dad's mahogany desk and his lit computer screen in front of him.

He's upset — really fucking upset. His eyes were a knife in my ribs, the sharp point digging deeper. Where there had been love was an emptiness, but not in any vulnerable sense. Uncomfortable with the void, he had filled it with emotion fitter for the moment of the situation - raw anger. The unmoving gaze was accompanied by deliberate slow breathing like he was fighting something back and losing. When someone looks at you like that, eyes holding total anger, it hurts; but when that someone holds your heart in their hand it kills.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" His voice is like thunder and caused me to fidget in my seat when he abruptly blurted those words.

I was silent.

Not because I didn't have anything to say for myself because I did – I had a lot to fucking say, but I knew whatever was about to come out my mouth would only just make him more upset so I decided to stay quiet.

My dad leaned forward on his desk, his bushy brows scrunching up in a confused expression. "Pierre's boy? Asher? Seven-billion people in the world and you go for the worst one."

"He's not the worst." I finally spoke, defending Liam.

"Oh please," He cursed under his breath, a look of disgust taking over his face. "That boy is just as worse as his daddy. I thought you would've known that considering all the shit he put you through when you two were younger."

"We were kids!"

"Kids my ass! That boy had me coming up to your damn school every damn week because he got you in trouble. He's the reason you got kicked out of school and shipped across the country for five fucking years for crying out loud and yet you wanna sit here and tell me you like him? And to have that little son of bitch father come in my face like that in front of all those damn people — Asher, I should kill you and him."

The words rolled off his tongue with such a coldness I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. My dad had never laid a hand on any of his children or anyone else for that matter and I don't think he ever would, but that doesn't go without saying that my dad is a very wealthy man with a lot of connections, and wouldn't mind making a call to do what needed to be done, both good and bad.

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