Chapter 10

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"Alpha," Francis said, struggling to catch up with his long strides. "Should I stay?"

Krey abruptly stopped, and Frances jumped onto the road to stop herself from falling into him. Krey pinched the bridge of his nose and gripped the front of his hair. He looked down the street at the humans minding their own business. "We'll both stay," he grumbled.

"But, the institute-"

"It's just for a day. They'll get over it." Krey sat on a bench that faced the college. He crossed his arms and not once did his eyes look anywhere else.

They sat together in silence for hours.

Francis eventually left to find food. When Krey was alone, he checked his phone. He had four missed calls from his mum and three unread messages. Krey shook his head and switched his phone off. His mother had been irritatingly protective of him over the past few months.

Granted, Krey's attitude towards his new pack wasn't doing too well; his attitude towards himself wasn't right either. His mum was worried about him, but Krey wouldn't let her in if she continued to suffocate him.

Ignoring his mother was the only thing he could do, other than yelling at her. Krey often upset her with his sharp tongue and short-fused temper. Ignoring her now seemed like the safer option.

When Francis returned, she had a bag full of warm steak pastries. Between them, they ate and waited, and waited, and waited.

When it was starting to get dark, Pip finally emerged from the college. Krey almost leapt off the bench when Pip bolted down the steps and down the street like he had somewhere to be.

"Go," Krey yelled to Francis, pushing her off the bench. He followed the human with his hungry brown eyes. "You said you could be his friend."

"Right! Yes. Yes, I did." Francis hurried across the road before Pip passed by.

Krey leaned closer to listen and to watch their interaction.

"Hello, Pip," Francis said with a big smile. Pip stopped running and stared up at her with sudden fear. He started backing away.

"F-Francis! Am I in trouble?" Pip asked.

This time, the wind carried Pip's voice right to Krey. His mother had once said a mate's voice was like hearing music in a silent world. Krey now knew why. He had to fight all temptation not to storm across the road and press his ear to Pip's lips.

"No, not at all. Um- I just saw you and thought I'd say hi."

Pip seemed a little sceptical as he stood in her presence like a bug in front of a tarantula. "Are you sure?" he asked quietly. "I haven't told anyone about..." Pip looked around, and his eyes lingered on Krey across the road like there was something odd about him. "Um, about the institute."

"I'm glad you haven't, but you're honestly not in trouble. I'm only saying hello." Francis glanced to Krey too. He clenched his fists. "I was also wondering... uh, if you want to study or something tonight? I'm new at the college and could use some friends."

"Me?" Pip asked, pointing to himself.

Francis chuckled. "Yes, you."

Krey leaned closer, staring at the human's mouth until he smiled, and Krey felt all warm under his jacket, despite sitting in the cold for most of the day. He would take a picture of Pip's smile if it weren't considered creepy.

"I really wish I could tonight. But I have to look after my cousins." Pip's smile was gone as quickly as it came.

"Not to worry," Francis said, side-eyeing Krey, to make sure he wasn't storming over. "Tomorrow then?" She must have felt Krey's objection because she asked, "Or we could revise at your house?"

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