Chapter 76

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- Sian

Krey left his meetings when lunchtime approached. The morning had whizzed by, but Krey kept checking the time and counting the minutes until he could see his mate again.

On the way to the stairs, Krey sniffed the air. Pip's sweet scent weakened when he got closer to the bedroom. Krey turned back down the corridor and followed his smell.

Krey passed the canteen and continued towards the games room. Pip scent was getting stronger and stronger. Krey wondered if his shy mate had been brave enough to mingle with his pack, or if Pip had been brave enough to wander on his own.

Krey stopped by the games room. A few werewolves sat on the floor by the window playing Monopoly. One werewolf fiddled with the TV remote and another was organising the leads behind the TV.

Krey then saw the person who made his heart flutter.

Pip was curled on the couch in the corner of the room, cosy in a blanket, and content with a book in his hand. Of course I'd find him reading, Krey thought, approaching him like a wolf approaching its prey. Every step was silent. Pip didn't notice him, even when Krey was right in front of him. Pip was too engrossed in what he was reading.

Krey pulled the book down from Pip's face, and Pip looked up like he had forgotten where he was. "Krey!" he chirped with a big smile. "Are you finished with meetings?"

Krey nodded and sat next to him, making sure to leave no space between them. He fussed over the book in Pip's hands, pretending to be interested. "What're you reading?"

"A vampire book. It's called A Mouth Full of Blood."

Krey's oak eyes glinted with amusement. "Sounds shit."

"Actually, there's a character similar to you. He's pretty grumpy."

Krey cocked a brow and wrapped an arm around Pip's shoulders. His heart just about exploded when Pip cupped his hand in both of his. Pip's fingers were a little cold, so Krey pulled him even closer. "Where did you find the book?" he asked.

"uh..." Pip wasn't allowed to mention the mound of books he had seen in the canteen. "O-One of your um, Omega's gave it to me."

Krey softly traced a thumb along Pip's neck. "I see you found the Omega Medic."

"I found Sid too. He's on bed rest. We should, um, have lunch with him in the First Aid room," Pip suggested.

"No. He'll be fine."

Pip looked up with begging blue eyes.

Krey frowned, wondering how the hell someone could be so cute. He stared around Pip's face, cherishing the features he had learnt to adore: Pip's dimples, freckly nose, large blue eyes, and his round cheeks, adding to the hints of a baby face every time he smiled. "Fine," Krey grumbled, just to see those dimples deepen with a grin.

Sid was staring glumly into space as Pip and Krey entered the first-Aid room. His face lit up when Pip bounded over to the bed with a bowl of pasta, salad, and chicken for him.

Krey put a film on Pip's laptop and ate lunch with his injured Delta wolf and his tired mate.

Francis soon joined them, and Krey caught himself glancing at Pip on multiple occasions. If it weren't for his mate, Krey would have gone for a lonely walk around the building or sulked back to his room to eat lunch at his desk.

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