Chapter 38

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Makena's brown eyes were as hard as the bark of the trees that surrounded the institute.

Krey's brow eyes stared sharply. He observed her expression. Krey had been very stressed over the past few days; he didn't need another reason to yell, and another person to hate.

"Is this a joke?" Makena asked, not daring to blink.

"You think I would bring a human to the institute as a joke?" Krey scowled.

Makena's gaze circled his face. "You have a human-" she turned abruptly and stormed towards Krey's bedroom.

"Mother," Krey hissed through gritted teeth. "Can't this wait till morning?" Krey hurried after her. Pip was already overwhelmed. He didn't need a female version of grumpy Krey in his face.

Krey couldn't reach her before his mum stormed into his bedroom.

Pip was still standing by the window with his coat folded over his arms and tucked tightly against his chest. He jumped when Makena stormed in, frantically glancing around. Her eyes fell on Pip straight away because of his bright colours.

Krey was glad the wolves didn't train tonight. He didn't want to deal with a fainting Pip and a seething parent.

Makena froze in the doorway, staring at Pip like he had appeared before her very eyes. She pointed, and Pip nervously glanced to Krey who drifted behind his mother like a dark cloud.

"That's a boy!" Makena exclaimed.

Krey glared at the back of her head.

"And human!" Makena stepped closer to Pip, gazing at him with interest. She then spun and pointed a thin finger at Krey, pressing a long nail into his chest. "Is this some sort of distraction, so I'll lay off Francis?"

Krey rolled his eyes. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her from the room. Krey slammed the door and dragged her down the corridor, so Pip couldn't hear them. "For the hundredth time, Francis is not my mate!"

"Then why did you let me believe that she was?"

"I didn't."

"Then what was with the secrecy?"

"Francis was watching my back as I went to Crescent Town to be with my mate."

Makena's lips curled disapprovingly. She stared at Krey as though she was trying to read his mind or deciding if he was telling the truth. "How long has this been going on?"

"A few weeks," Krey mumbled.

Makena shook her head. "I assume you had the dream then?" Her tone was a little bitter.

Krey nodded, a little sheepish, knowing he should have told her from day one.

"How could you keep that a secret from me? I'm your mother!"

Krey tightened his jaw. "In my defence, you're fucking annoying."

Makena's glare matched her son. "So, you're telling me that you have a human soulmate and hid it from me for weeks? Right, well, I get the message. I'm officially shunned out of your life. Thank you very much."

Makena tried entering her bedroom but Krey grabbed her arm, almost ripping her dressing gown. "See, this is why I didn't tell you because you're so dramatic! I just needed time to figure it out on my own. Francis followed me even when I didn't ask her to. Nobody was supposed to know until Pip was used to me."


"That's his name... short for Pippor."

Makena watched Krey's glare melt, and his eye soften at the thought of him. Krey's hard exterior was impossible to get through when he was so defensive. Makena knew that a mate would get in, no matter how much Krey tried to fight it. "He is your mate," she whispered, astounded.

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