Letter to Readers

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The Internet,


May 10th, 2020.

Dear reader,

So, for a very long time, I wanted to explore parenthood as a theme in one of my novels, and I was happy to do that with May-December. There aren't a lot of LGBT+ books focusing on people in their prime/people with post new/young adult issues, so this was a breath of fresh air to work with.

Also, a big inspiration for Newfront was my mother's home town. My mother's parents were professors, so when I went over for holidays with my siblings they didn't have a lot of time for us, so we spent most of our time playing with the dogs, chickens, goats and exploring the farmland outback. Sometimes my grandfather would take up to the petting zoo, or we'd go ride horses for a small price at someone's horse ranch. Taking walks by the river was also something we did. So, yes, I really was Otis mentally for some of the experiences I jotted down. They made me smile, and I hope my writing made you smile too.

Thank you all for reading, and voting and commenting on May-December. And a big thank you for those who chipped in financially to help me write it. Your support on Patreon and Radish was indeed felt! Thank you! If you use Goodreads, the book should be up for rating/reviewing now, so you can do that if you want! I hope you enjoyed it because I had a blast writing it.


Saint Caliendo.


*If you've enjoyed this story enough to give my other novels a chance, here are some recommendations. They are either paranormal/fantasy stories or dealing with religion and faith.

Like Sugar [Mature/Completed]


Jared Abitol is ugly, past his prime, and desperate for love.

Years of being hyper-aware of his own looks have made Jared develop social anxiety. When you look like Jared, love isn't easy to find. Jared might not have the looks or confidence, but he has the money, so giving up on love and settling for the next best thing, physical intimacy, is all he can do.

With the help of a colleague, Jared reaches an agreement with a college-age youth called Darnell Miller. Jared pays his college fees and rent, while Darnell puts up with shitty sex with an older man.

Sounds simple enough, doesn't it?

It's not.

Acceptance [Complete]


Andrew, a twenty-six-year-old literature graduate has been through more drama than many his age. From suffering obesity to arthritis, and then anorexia after drastic attempts to lose body fat, Andrew grows more conscious of his body. He shields himself from the rest of the world in a reserved cabin tucked away in a small town where he dwells in solitude and self-pity. But things can't stay the same forever and Andrew's carefully planned out walls fall around him with the arrival of his uncle's fiancee's son, Ethan.

Ethan will more than disrupt Andrew's 'perfect' life. He'll also teach him the sole act of acceptance.

Finding August [Complete]


August walked out of Vincent's life the same way he walked in - unexpectedly.

Vincent had a decent quiet life working as a tattoo artist in the city of Detroit until the runway aspiring artist, August, knocked on his front door asking for a home. August promises it will only be for a year and Vincent agrees, but Vincent never knew that August keeping to that promise was going to be so painful.

Now Vincent sees August in the news just months after his disappearance. August is making it big and will be holding his first exhibition in New York. The thing is, Vincent can't just seem to stop himself from chasing after him.

Kissing Wounds [Complete]


After graduating from high school, Mathew sets out to do a two-year missionary service like everyone else his age.

Mathew thought that his only problem would be him adjusting to the city as someone who's lived in a farming town all his life. he didn't expect to get so focused on helping Nathaniel recover from his past wounds. His encounters with a man five years his senior makes him question his life, faith, and everything he had ever believed to be true.

Learning to Love [Mature/Complete]


Riches aren't everyone's taste and that's the case of Zeus Darcanius.

Zeus Darcanius; rich, powerful and influential hasn't always been the confident strong-headed man he is. A pained past refusing to fade away continually hunts him, memories continually weighing down his heart making it heavy. The taste for riches only powered by the taste for revenge.

Love and marriage aren't everyone's treat and by everyone I mean Julian Andrews. He finds himself swayed into an unhappy marriage he can't even remember how he got into. Love isn't something he's experienced until he finds something unexpectedly close with Zeus Darcanius.

But what in the world is Zeus hiding?

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