Arc 1.13 - Alex McGuire

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Sexual scene down there.
Aaaaaaaaand my prologue just hit 1K views!!!
I'm posting this chapter as a reward & thx XD!!

Alex woke up but didn't bother opening his eyes. He wanted to savour this feeling of such divine rest after so long.

Feeling his surroundings, he felt silk sheets, a blanket that only covered the bottom of his legs and something heavy on his chest...


Immediately opening his eyes he looked down his body with expectations only to be dumbfounded.

'Huh? It's not boobs, but Eric? What is he...ooooh, that's right!'

Smirking, he dropped his head back into the pillow, recounting what happened before he fell unconscious.

'I almost died. Twice.'

'Sherry and Alex still have feelings for each other.'

'I completed mission #2...*sigh, as I thought. The points from these missions won't be enough to even take out the debt by half much less all of it. Fuck you parasite.'

'Sherry talks too much. She was about to suffer a world of hurt. But. Unfortunately, Eric intervened and kicked her out.'

'Eric will soon know how much of a slut Sherry is.'

'Eric has a secret bedroom in his office.'

'Eric is in bed with me.'

'Eric is thiiiiis close, THIIIIS close to being kissed by me.'

Propping up on his elbow, he swiftly flipped Eric off of him and onto his backside. Hovering over him, Alex checked him out. Looking at every detail of his face. Surprisingly Eric didn't seem so much like a total tense ice block when he's asleep, when awake he always has a cold, frowning face.

He leaned in, just centimetres away from having their lips touch.

'He's really cute. It'd be a shame for Sherry to keep him all to herself. I'm still dead set on bending him over. I've already decided on being top even though I'm actually a woman.'

Just like that, Alex went in for the kiss.

He began sucking on Eric's bottom lip, licking and biting. He went to the top lip before easily going inside with his tongue, Eric's guard being down and his jaw being looser made it all the more easier.

Finding Eric's own tongue soon after brought Alex wanting more. A lot more.

He angled his head to the other side, deepening his reach with his tongue, he traced everything inside, from the roof of the mouth to the bottom of the tongue. Going back to whirl Eric's tongue, he began sucking on it.

Suddenly a moan came out of the sleeping Eric. Alex didn't stop but brought his eyes to look up, then closed them when he tried to deepen the kiss even more. Swallowing and sucking, sucking and swallowing, it was an endless cycle. As if swimming in a sea he couldn't find the end of.

Stopping for a breather, Alex looked at the man under him.

"Hmm? Still sleeping even after all that? Alright then, let's try something different."

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