Arc 2.24 - Grayson Hale

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I am so so sooooooo sorry you guys for the long ass hiatus. I legit got no inspiration to finish this chapter

Teaser idea inspired by cute_kattie , thank you for making myself push this out to the public~ I'll continue to make teasers for the next chapters

Also, I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Procrastination is a bitch.


Grayson opened his eyes. He couldn't move, it felt as if his whole body had been tied back. The room was pitch black but he could see. It looked like he was in some kind of a closet...?

He laughed at this ridiculous situation, breathing out a self-deprecating smile. It was his own fault he ended up in this situation. He underestimated the protagonists. Protagonists who can commit murder should never be underestimated, much less have a low guard around them whilst knowing that you're their enemy.

'Fuck... why is this world so dangerous? I've had more fights in this world than the first one. Why couldn't this world just be a simple high school love story theme? I'm still new to this job!!' He yelled out all his injustices and complaints out mentally but on the outside, he didn't make a single peep. He used his hearing to get a grasp on where he was exactly...

Unfortunately, he didn't pick up on anything. The area he is currently in is absolutely desolate. Nothing even several kilometres out. All he knows is that the building he was placed and tied up in is surrounded by what he guessed to be forestry by the sounds of shifting leaves and small animals inhabiting the area.

"Fucking hell." He grunted frustratedly. Grayson tried to twist his hands around his restraints but all he could feel were the tight zip ties as he reaches up the tip of his fingers to his wrist. He began to pull and pull, trying to get out of the restraints. The more he pulled the more it seemed to be as an act of anger than trying to get free of them. He pulled and tugged so much that his skin tore and he was left hissing through his teeth from the stark pain.


Grayson took a deep breath and spoke out slowly through his course voice.

"Not now Parasite." Parasite obediently stayed quiet and kept his worries to himself as he observed his Host trying to scratch, pull and trying his hardest to rip off the several plastic ties wrapped around his wrists, going all the way up to his forearm.

Grayson slumped over the chair, giving up on trying to get out of the several zip ties digging into his skin. Gritting his teeth, the anger and irritation just overwhelmed him, while the pain only fuelled him more. However, more than his current circumstances, Grayson was disturbed over what had happened on Adrian's side. He couldn't help but worry over the possibilities of what happened.

'Is he mad?'

'Is he worried?'

'Does he even know I'm gone?'

'Did what Spencer say even do anything?'

Slowly time passed. Inside this dark closet, all alone. Whether it be minutes or hours Grayson couldn't tell. However, Parasite dutifully used his sensor features and informed his host of when each hour had passed until nightfall came.

Suddenly, he could hear the roars of an engine. A truck. Headed towards his location coming from about a few miles away.

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