Arc 1.16 - Alex McGuire

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"You look pretty miserable."

A woman suddenly sat in the chair in front of a man with a slightly dark aura around him.

"Oh yeah? You're glowing too much. It's an eyesore." The man tipped down the hood he had on, covering half his face and leaned his elbows on the table. A dark cup of steaming coffee in his hands.

"Too bad. You'll have to keep feasting your eyes on my glowing beauty for the rest of your days. Huehuehue... wait is that- Alex...Hey Alex! What happened to your lip?! It's bleeding!"

"Nothing much."

"You better stop these bed time activities with random people or else you'll be getting more than a few bruises from me. I'll fucking break you! I swear!"

"I know, 'mom'. Stop nagging me."

"Tsk. Suffer from STI's while your at it then! Humph!" Then she changed the topic as if she wasn't just threatening and cursing him a moment ago. "By the way, I met the most sexy and amazing man for the first time in a long time yesterday, spent the whole day with him. He even kept kept me company during the night while you were doing god knows what. Your phone was turned off all day! What did I say about doing that!?"

'Such mood swings this woman has, she's not even pregnant.'

"Yeah, yeah. I saw you guys really 'clicking' at the bar over there last night." He jabbed his thumb towards the direction of the bar. "Anyways, my phone became total trash. I'll need a new one. SIM card included."

"You're so troublesome. Take this card, it's from the Versal company. They gave it for any expenses we need to cover on this trip. Spend it to your heart's desire." The man took the black rectangular piece of plastic, flipping it around his slender fingers.

'Versal Company...They really went all out in trying to make us think that they're really invested in this trip. Though, I guess they would be. For another reason.'

"Oh? You sure 'you' don't wanna spend it to 'your' heart's desires? It's free money after all."

"Nope, I'm perfectly content right here. That guy I told you about decided to stay with me for the next few days. His name is Vasco and he's pretty rich, too."

"Wow, shocker." His tone was so bland, the woman just rolled his eyes at him. Taking a sip of his coffee, he narrowed his green eyes. He could see a tall man walking over to them a distance away, "Speak of the devil."

[Host! He has a gun and a military grade pocket knife on him.]

'Hmm? Then find out who he really is. No normal person should have a gun on him. He might even be connected to that woman.'

[On it]

Dropping his head back down, he swirled the bitter sweet substance in his cup. He kept his preifereal view on the man, waiting to see any sort of reaction. If he did, then it would mean he's with that woman. Otherwise, he doesn't know that woman or is just that good at masking his emotions.

He showed no reaction towards seeing Alex.

"Vasco~ Glad you could make it!"

"I'm rather surprised you're even awake after our long night. ... This is?"

Alex pulled back his hood and took a good look at the man standing before him.

"Alex McGuire. A pleasure to meet you." He stretched out a hand for a shake.

"Nice to meet you Mr. McGuire. I'm Vasco, Vasco Quincy." Vasco firmly shook his hand with Alex before they both dropped it.

"Quincy? Are you perhaps related to an Eric Quincy?" Alex was taken off guard for a moment. If this man is blood-related to Eric, then it would mean that he was tied with the mafia due to his family.

He slightly narrowed in suspicion, "...Yes. You know of him?"

"You could say that we're friends, somewhat." Alex smirked at his own explanation, thinking of their exact relationship.

"Eric? That guy you keep bothering? Haha! Wow, small world!" She took Vasco's hand and dragged him down to the chair beside her.

"Bothering?" Vasco became quite intrigued. He knew his nephew well enough to know that anyone who bothers him in anyway would disappear and then come back traumatized.

"Alex here has been after him for almost 2 weeks. Whenever he was on break from his work back home, he would always find some excuses to leave so he could after that poor soul. He was relentless, even I would be sick of him popping up every now and then each day if I didn't know him."

"Almost 2 weeks...? Oh, so he's the model that you were fussing about yesterday?" Realizing that 2 weeks and this man still had the sanity to talk about Alex and was the very man who works with the beautiful woman beside him, he became more interested. "How did you meet Eric?"

"Fist time was in a meeting, he was representing the Versal Company as their lawyer. Second time was at a club, which was not such a great experience for him."

"What about you? Are you his brother or something?"

"Haha, not all. I'm his second uncle."

Nodding in understanding, they all fell into silence. Only the background noise of table wear clinking and indistinct voices of the crowd kept the atmosphere from being completely awkward.

"Great chat, but I gotta bounce. I guess we'll be seeing a lot more of each other during the next few days, Mr. Quincy." Alex got up from his chair and pulled his hood back up.

"Just Vasco is fine. And, here. Contact me, I would love to hear what my nephew is up to from a fresh set of eyes." He pulled out a business card, handing it to Alex.

"Sure, call me Alex as well. See you Amelia, Vasco." He stuffed his hands into his pockets and turned away about to leave, when he stopped and threw out a sentence with a smirk,

"Also, try not to show too much PDA like last night."

Leaving the scoffing Amelia and the amused Vasco, he chose to head to the mall. He took his time grabbing a cab and window shopping until he arrived at the electronics store.

Having a phone wasn't that urgent, he didn't have much contacts in his phone to begin with, so it didn't make a huge difference for the time being. But Amelia would soon be nagging his ears off if she couldn't get a way to contact him.

He bought the latest model and had all the accessories (screen protector, case, SIM card...etc) and secure firewalls installed. He had parasite gather all the lost data and contacts from his old phone, plus the recent new contact, to be transferred into his new phone.

Doing some more window shopping, he found a nice, quite cafe to sit at.

"Now then, shall we finally start doing some detailed planning how we go about kidnapping Leo White?"

A/N: I'm taking too many names from Lookism...

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