Ch. 5 - Studying with Keaton

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Everly felt ridiculous and childish for being so affected by Keaton. It's not like she had never been around an attractive man before. Brad was gorgeous, but for some reason he had never made her feel like this. When Keaton was around she forgot how to think, speak or even breathe and always seemed to make a fool of herself. Just thinking about that started to make her nervous so she started pacing back and forth in the hallway, shaking her hands to get out the nerves.

'I don't have time for men,' she told herself in her mind. 'I need to focus on my classes so I don't lose my scholarship.'

She hoped her brain would listen to reason, even if her heart and body wouldn't.

The door finally opened and there was Keaton standing in the doorway, wearing some jeans and a tight polo shirt that showed off his arm muscles. She looked away, trying not to focus on that. He stepped back and motioned for her to come inside so she hesitantly walked past him into his dorm room.

The first thing she noticed was how good it smelled. There was a deep musky, manly scent with a hint of leather and his cologne she had smelled earlier. She looked around and couldn't believe his room. It didn't look like any dorm room she had ever seen before. It was decorated in a clean, modern style and it was obvious that it must have cost a small fortune. It was three times as big as her room and he had it all to himself.

There was a King-sized bed, side table, desk and a nice sitting area with a small couch and a big-screen TV mounted on the wall. He even had a kitchenette area with a sink, a one-burner stovetop, microwave, mini-fridge and a Keurig coffee maker. It looked more like a fancy hotel suite than a dorm room.

 It looked more like a fancy hotel suite than a dorm room

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"Wow. Your room is really nice," she said, looking around in awe. "How in the world did you manage to get a room like this?"

"My Dad has some connections at NYU and pulled some strings. You haven't even seen the best part," he said pulling his curtain back and revealing a fantastic view of the New York city lights.

Her mouth dropped open. "What?! This is SO not fair!" she laughed. "Your room is huge, plus you have it all to yourself AND you have a view? My room is the size of a closet and I have to share it with a girl who comes home drunk in the middle of the night and screws a man five feet away from me while I pretend to be asleep," she laughed.

Keaton laughed too and said, "Sorry mate. That's terrible."

"Yeah, but it's alright," she shrugged. "My roommate's actually really sweet. Ok, so let's get down to business," Everly said clasping her hands together, before taking a seat on his bed and getting out her laptop, opening up her notes page from class earlier.

"Alright," Keaton said, sitting down on the bed beside her.

"So you said that love is just an infatuation with the way someone looks, how rich they are, their status, how talented they are, etcetera. Why do you think that?" Everly asked, looking at her screen with her hands on the keyboard ready to type, trying to ignore how good his cologne smelled or the fact that he was sitting close enough for his arm to brush against hers from time to time.

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